Kids Definition echo sounder noun : an instrument used to find out the depth of a body of water or of an object below the surface by means of sound waves More from Merriam-Webster on echo sounder Encyclopedia article about echo sounder ...
(General Physics) having a low degree of reverberation of sound:an anechoic recording studio. Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
1 of 2 noun ˈek-ō plural echoes 1 : the repeating of a sound caused by reflection of sound waves 2 a : a repetition or imitation of another b : repercussion sense 2, result environmental echoes of oil spills 3 : one who closely imitates or repeats another echoic i-ˈ...
to be reminiscent of : evoke music that echoes an earlier time to send back (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves noun (2) a nymph in Greek mythology who pines away for love of Narcissus until nothing is left of her but her voice ...
Moreover, Echo is an aesthetically pleasing name that is both easy to pronounce and remember. Its simplicity carries a profound charm, evoking images of soundwaves echoing through space and time, as well as the endless continuation of life. This philosophical depth adds to the name'...
1. As a noun, "echo" refers to the repetition or reflection of sound waves off a surface, resulting in a sound being heard again. For example, "The echo of her voice bounced off the walls of the empty room." 2. As a verb, "echo" means to repeat or imitate a sound or action....
Echo sounding is the technique of using sound pulses directed from the surface or from a submarine vertically down to measure the distance to the bottom by means of sound waves. Echo sounding can also refer to hydroacoustic "echo sounders" defined as active sound in water (sonar) used to ...
1.To repeat (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves from a surface. 2.To repeat or imitate:followers echoing the cries of their leader; events that echoed a previous incident in history. v.intr. 1.To be repeated by or as if by an echo:The shout echoed off the wall. The speaker...
(Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun An imitation or repetition. A close parallel of a feeling, idea, style, etc.. The repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves. ...
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