-u, --user LOGIN print lastlog record of the specified LOGIN [root@bash ~]# lastlog #显示所有用户记录 Username Port From Latest root pts/0 Wed Dec 28 19:23:08 +0800 2016 bin **Never logged in** daemon **Never logged in** adm **Never logged in** lp **Never logged...
1,net user abcd 1234 /add,新建一个用户名为abcd,密码为1234的帐户,默认为user组成员。 2,net user abcd /del,将用户名为abcd的用户删除。 3,net user abcd /active:no,将用户名为abcd的用户禁用。 4,net user abcd /active:yes,激活用户名为abcd的用户。 5,net user abcd,查看用户名为abcd的用户的...
*/ if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) { wp_safe_redirect( wp_login_url() ); exit; } if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['redirect_to'] ) ) { $redirect_to = $_REQUEST['redirect_to']; } else { $redirect_to = admin_url(); } if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { $admin_...
`,"bytes_in":${bytes_in},"bytes_out":${bytes_out}}`+"\n", CustomTimeFormat:"2006-01-02 15:04:05.00000", } New RequestLogger middleware RequestLogger middleware allows developer fully to customize what is logged and how it is logged and is more suitable for usage with 3rd party...
echo 'Log in'; 重复该过程, 你将得到以下结果: <?php if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) { echo 'Log in'; } else { echo 'Log out'; } ?> 希望英语还不错 来源: https://www.srcmini02.com/67466.html
'; return;//未登录不可以查看评论 所以返回空 不能进入下一步 } - - //是否已经登录 - if (is_user_logged_in()) { - if ($post->comment_status == 'closed') { - echo '评论('.$post->comment_count .'条评论)'; + + // 未登录显示的评论框 + $comment_filed_login = '...
To get the user ID use $order->get_user_id() (if the user Id is 0 user is not logged in and else it is logged in). Assuming that your custom function generate_qr_number() works, the correct code should be: add_action('woocommerce_checkout_create_order_line_item', 'save_order_...
The best way to explain this is by using an analogy. Let’s say you’re at home, sitting in front of your computer with nothing better to do than read through Facebook. You’ve been logged into Facebook for quite some time now, but you haven’t really seen any updates from anyone....
$dslc_is_admin = $dslc_active && is_user_logged_in() && current_user_can(DS_LIVE_COMPOSER_CAPABILITY) ?true:false;$this->module_start($options);if(!isset($options['ninjaform_title']) || $options['ninjaform_title'] =='not_set') {if($dslc_is_admin) {?><?php_e('Clickthe...
// authorization is the authorization middleware for users.// It checks the access_token in the Authorization header or the access_token query parameter// On success sets "me" = *User (current logged user) and "accessData" = current access data// into the context. Sets even the scopes va...