‘OK. At ten years old I went for a week to my great uncles farm. My mother didnt come; just me and my dad—Im an only child. I mean, look at me: Im uncertain. Im guilty of the worst sin in the trans community and its time to confess: Im uncertain. I wrote this Intellectual...
6 crazy jobs that tech killed — and what replaced them If you work in an office, your job probably didn’t exist 100 years ago. Yep, six out of every 10 jobsdidn’t exist back in 1940! Sure, there are the obvious ones like data infrastructure or email operations, but even jobs lik...
” along with Apple, Google and Facebook. These companies seem to be standing on the opposite side of the public. Amazon will be placed under a microscope, critics say the company has a huge impact on jobs and market competition, and Bezos has also become a “thorn in the...
” Noll said. “We’re not crisis actors. This a really painful moment. You’re watching my things being ripped from me. Watching my friends go through the struggle — that part bothers me a lot.”
whatsoever and do such incredibly good jobs. One of the ones I'm looking forward to when you get to season 4 is "Little Green Men". It's one of my favorite episodes. The Ferengi episodes were always a treat. And I believe I remember reading or hearing that whenever there was a ...
The first theory is that the skipping rate is a indication of how much free time a person has time. Teenagers skip more because they have more time to devote to editing their music stream, whereas thirty-somethings, with their little kids and demanding jobs, have no time to pay attention...
/var/spool/cron/atjobs:/sbin/nologin squid:x:31:31:Squid:/var/cache/squid:/sbin/nologin xfs:x:33:33:X Font Server:/etc/X11/fs:/sbin/nologin games:x:35:35:games:/usr/games:/sbin/nologin postgres:x:70:70::/var/lib/postgresql:/bin/sh nut:x:84:84:nut:/var/state/nut:/sbin...
It’s nice to just have Alexa available all the time, whether you’re at home or not. But since the Echo Frames are paired to a phone, you’d like to think that Alexa would be able to do the sorts of things you expect a digital assistant on a phone to do. It cannot. I used ...
Tagged as AM Radio, Amazon Echo, Amazon Prime, analog radio, Apple TV, Blackberry, digital radio, Edison Research, FM Radio, Garmin GPS, Hulu, Internet, iPhone, iPhone 4S, iPhone 7, Netflix, On Demand, Pandora, Pew, Podcasts, smart speakers, smartphones, Steve Jobs, Streaming, Voice Co...
Visitor Information Centers Scale: 1 inch = approximately 40 miles 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Official Wisconsin Activity Guide 3 4 Visit travelwisconsin.com TravelGreen Wisconsin Tourism is big business in Wisconsin, generating more than $12 billion annually and supporting more than 286,000 jobs...