在研究过powershell和cmd之后,发现IDEA Terminal打印的JAVA_HOME值是xx/xx/jdk-22,我没有22,于是打开win的环境变量配置,发现JAVA_HOME配置错了值,遂改正为xx/xx/jdk-21版本。 打开Tools-Terminal-Project Settings-Environment variables,发现其中的JAVA_HOME还是xx/xx/jdk-22,是旧的配置,说明IDEA并不会随着系统刷...
After reading this article, you know how to useecho,Write-Output, andWrite-Hostin PowerShell. Next, learn how toset environment variables in Windows.
PS C:\> echo $env:JAVA_HOME C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80 您可以在此处参考 Powershell 文档。https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_environment_variables?view=powershell-6#displaying-environment-variables原文由 sr56 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-S...
Print a message with environment variables: echo "My path is $PATH" Print a message without the trailing newline: echo -n "Hello World" Append a message to the file:echo "Hello World" >> file.txt Enable interpretation of backslash escapes (special characters): echo -e "Column 1\t...
获取UICultureCmdlet 获取有关 Windows PowerShell 的当前用户界面区域性的信息。 获取唯一 Cmdlet 从排序列表返回唯一项目。 导入别名 Cmdlet 从文件导入别名列表。 选择字符串 Cmdlet 识别字符串中的模式。 测量对象 Cmdlet 度量对象的特征及其属性。 新别名 Cmdlet 创建新别名。
Cool Tip:Set environment variables in Windows!Read More → Add To Windows PATH Warning!This solution may be destructive as Windows truncatesPATHto 1024 characters. Make a backup ofPATHbefore any modifications. Save the contents of the WindowsPATHenvironment variable toC:\path-backup.txtfile: ...
START/min "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" %windir%\media\chimes.wav Using PowerShell, the numbers select frequency and duration: powershell.exe "[console]::beep(850,300)" Produce a System Beep by forcing a non-breaking error in the CHOICE command: ...
Print the exit status of the last executed command (Note: In Windows Command Prompt and PowerShell the equivalent commands are echo %errorlevel% and $lastexitcode respectively): echo $? tldr.sh Synopsis echo [SHORT-OPTION]... [STRING]...echo LONG-OPTION ...
kWSL should work fine with an X Server instead of xRDP but this has not been thoroughly tested. The file/etc/profile.d/kWSL.shcontains WSL-centric environment variables that may need adjustment such as LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT. Plasma-discover doesn't work in Server 2019 / Win 10 v.1809 --...
xWSL should work fine with an X Server instead of xRDP. The file/etc/profile.d/xWSL.shcontains WSL-centric environment variables that may need adjustment, such as LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT. WSL1 Doesn't work with PolicyKit. Enabled gksu for apps needing elevated rights (Synaptic, root console) ...