“Alexa, Play YouTube Music.” Well, that is one of the things we ever wanted to do with the Echo or Echo Dot – Alexa speakers. Amazon Alexa lets you linkSpotify to AlexaandApple Music to Alexaspeakers. You might have also noticed that YouTube or YouTube Music missing from the list....
一番折腾后,最终发现网页版的设置方式是最优解,英文贼6的小伙伴可以跳过踩坑过程:先用蓝牙连上音箱后,直接点击Amazon Sign-In,开启愉快的设置过程~享受国际一流的智能音箱吧。 1,初识Amazon Echo Dot 4 机缘巧合得到了一块Amazon Echo Dot 4智能音箱,看着精美的包装,英文+法文+(不知道什么语的)介绍,逼格满满,...
As a speaker the Spot merely sounds alright. It's far better than the tinny Echo Dot, yet comparable to a second-gen cylinder Echo, which is to say it has some bass and reasonable clarity, but won't wow you with its power or fidelity. On its own it's best ...
而且Echo Dot 4 本身也可以當成藍牙音響使用,只要先在手機、電腦上選好音樂,就能透過藍牙傳輸音訊到音箱上播出,而且連線過一次後下次只要說出“Alexa, connect to my phone”就能馬上連線上,十分方便。這麼一來不管是Apple Music、Spotify,還是YouTube Music 的音樂就都能在Echo Dot 4 上播放了。
It's compatible with streaming services like Spotify, Pandora, and iHeart Radio, as well as Youtube, has smart home pairing with Arlo, Nest, Ring, and other appliances, and it allows you to voice-purchase essentials from storefronts that aren't limited to Amazon. Still, with the Dot's...
Google Home和Echo都可以在登录账户之后连接到Spotify或Pandora等主流的在线流媒体音乐服务上,其中Google Home支持Spotify、Pandora、Google Play Music和YouTube Music,而Echo则支持Spotify、Pandora、TuneIn、iHeartRadio、Audible、Amazon Music、Prime Music和Amazon Music等,显然后者更丰富一些。不过,Google Home还可以让...
unique devices from Amazon. First there was the full-sized Echo, then the Echo Dot and the Echo Look. Now they added a camera and a touch screen in the Echo Show. The Echo Show is far from perfect, yet, depending on your needs, it may be the best voice-activated device for you. ...
In English, say "Alexa, launch YouTube". In German, say "Alexa, öffne YouTube". In Italian, say "Alexa, avvia YouTube". In Spanish, say "Alexa, abrir YouTube". Skill Commands Play a video, eg "Alexa, ask YouTube to play Gangnam Style" Play a playlist, eg "Alexa, ask You...
Google Home 最强大的地方莫过于它已经和部分自家的应用,以及不少第三方的应用进行了打通。通过 Google Home 可以查看明天的日程安排,可以播放 Play Music 里喜爱的音乐,可以点播 YouTube 里的视频在电视上播放(需要 Chromecast 配合)。 总之,如果你的生产力/娱乐工具是围绕 Google 展开的,那么 Google Home 将可以...