Setup Alexa smart home and the Amazon Echo Home Setup guidelines to start exploring voice assistants.
登录Alexa APP,点击菜单按钮,选择Setting,在接下来的页面点击Set up a new device,根据下面的音响类型图标和名称,选择你的智能设备,我的是Echo,下面以我的设备为例 选择好设备,点击continue,此时长按Echo顶部的圆点按钮,知道橙色呼吸灯旋转,并且语音播报:Now in setup mode 至此,你的手机已经连接上了 Alexa音响的...
打开AlexaApp,登陆账号,跳转到welcome页面,点击“Begin Setup”,跳转到“Setup”页面,选择你的音响设备,该教程选择Echo Dot。选择你的语言,Echo音箱仅支持英语(美式发音),英语(英式发音),德语,点击“Continue”,跳转到下一页面,点击“Connect to Wi-Fi”。进入...
struct termios options; /*tcgetattr(fd,&options)得到与fd指向对象的相关参数,并将它们保存于options,该函数还可以测试配置是否正确,该串口是否可用等。若调用成功,函数返回值为0,若调用失败,函数返回值为1. */ if ( tcgetattr( fd,&options) != 0) { perror("SetupSerial 1"); return(FALSE); } //设...
bt=uart_setup(uart_table[uartindex].dt); printf("UART Tree load %d\r\n",bt); set_pin_mode(uart_table[uartindex].rx,"uart"); set_pin_mode(uart_table[uartindex].tx,"uart"); char buf[30] = "/dev/ttyO"; char port_nr[2]; ...
Setup instructions Echo Dot terms of use Top of the Echo Dot The top of the smart speaker has four buttons, four microphones and an LED ring. The + and – buttons control the volume; the circle button activates Alexa and the circle with a line through it enables or disables the microphon...
Use the Alexa app to update your device's Wi-Fi settings, or connect to a network. Note:If you have an Echo screen device, update or change the Wi-Fi settings on the device itself. For those instructions, visitUpdate the Wi-Fi Settings on Your Echo Show. ...
Amazon Echo Link Amp Setup One thing to Amazon Echo Link Amp has going for it is easy setup. Connecting it to your Wi-Fi network is very straightforward. This is something that Amazon is actually very good at, and the Alexa app manages to get the job done without too much trouble. All...
The setup guide offers information like: - How to set up Echo Dot. - Meaning of light rings. - How to set up Wi-Fi in your echo device. - Troubleshoot Bluetooth or Wi-Fi issues. - How to update software. - How to change Alexa's wake word. ...
在首页的Device Settigns最下面有一个Start Cortana on Boot的选项。 使用Windows IoT Remote Server 访问:在http://在勾上Enable Windows IoT Remote Server 设置speechlanguage 成中文: 打开Processes->Run command,执行: