The ECHO viruses (enteric cytopathogenic human orphan viruses) comprise a subgroup of the human enteroviruses: all are infectious for human beings. Although several may share common antigens, most are serologically unrelated. They have been grouped together with polio- and Coxsackie viruses because o...
When exposed to the CA process, extremism is reduced partially by evidence against extreme positions, but primarily by the creation of community and the ability to discuss issues in a supportive forum outside any extremist echo-chambers. 6.3 The group allocation algorithm In our model simulations ...
33. C。根据文章第三段的"The fundamental approach employed by ChamberBreaker centers around a decision- making procedure that mirrors the creation of echo chambers... Then, the player selects news that could cause the other members to fall into an echo chamber while at the same time ...
Next, we sought to impose an additional term that may depolarize the echo chambers. Our approach was to include a random dynamical nudge (RDN,\(\mathcal {R}\)) term with strengthDto prevent a network of agents from becoming polarized (see Eq.1). In the limit of\(D \rightarrow 0\)t...
Bora Zivkovic
In the present work, the role of demographic variables, individual differences in personality, and ideological attitudes will be investigated in light of news consumption and therefore also in light of potential risks to being caught in “filter bubbles” and “echo chambers”. The term “filter ...
Inside the Right-Leaning Echo Chambers: Characterizing Gab, an Unmoderated Social System We provide the first measurement of news dissemination inside a right-leaning echo chamber, investigating a social media where readers are rarely exposed to... L Lima,JCS Reis,P Melo,... - ACM 被引量: 5...
The introduction of bounded confidence leads to the emer- gence of 'echo chambers' of agents that co-exist within the same group but do not influence each other, thus breaking the coupling between spatial segregation and polarization in the space of opinions. Model Definition The model is ...
influence of social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, and as a result have called into question the effects of the "filter bubble" phenomenon on user exposure to fake news and echo chambers, spurring new interest in the term, with many concerned that the phenomenon may harm ...
Patients with prosthetic heart valves (PHV) require long-term follow-up, usually within a physiologist led heart valve surveillance clinic. These clinics are well established providing safe and effective patient care. The disruption of the COVID-19 pande