约翰·威廉姆·沃特豪斯 John William Waterhouse的作品「Echo and Narcissus」高清无水印大图免费下载,创作年代:1903,图片尺寸:2190x1274px,风格:浪漫主义,体裁:literary painting,超高清世界名画尽在-麦田艺术 nbfox.com。
Detail : Echo and Narcissus. 1903. By John William Waterhouse. British 1849-1917 “我不想成为影子和自我沉溺的自我主义者,我只希望有坚强的个体,和爱人的能力”
牢骚过后,本文的初衷,还是出于与对英国画家John William Waterhouse(1849-1917)在20世纪初所画制的《Echo and Narcissus》的喜爱。画中的女神Echo是被惩罚不能主动说话的女神,她只能够重复别人的话语中的最后一个词,Echo同样有回音的意思,她爱上了 Narcissus,这个这个最终化身为水仙的男子,画作在通过西方精神分析范式...
雪香兰和水仙花的花期相同,伴随水仙花开放而开放,永远生长在水仙的旁边,成全了Freesia陪伴Narcissus的愿望。雪香兰的英文便是这位泉水仙女的名字“Freesia”,花语是 “纯洁的心”。 Echo and Narcissus - Edmund Dulac 不要爱上帅哥,帅哥只爱自己。爱人与被爱,你选择哪一种呢? Narcissus, John William Waterhouse, ...
Echo and Narcissus / 艾柯和那喀索斯 John William Waterhouse / 约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯 [英] (1849-1917) 1903,布面油画拉斐尔前派 (Pre-Raphaelite) 英国利物浦沃克艺术画廊 (Walker Art Gallery) 那喀索斯 (Na...
他的名字叫Narcissus(那喀索斯)。 (John William Waterhouse: Echo and Narcissus, 1903. 应该是关于这个神话最有名的作品吧。) Echo did something she thought she would never do - she fell in love. Echo做了一件她认为她绝不会做的事情 —— 她爱上了他! How she longed to address him in the ...
Narcissus, meanwhile, was eventually punished for his cruelty. One day he looked into a clear pool of water and saw his handsome reflection. He was immediately smitten—with himself. Unable to tear himself away from his own image, he eventually wasted away and was transformed into the daffodil...
Narcissusbegantoweep. Whenhewipedawayhistears,thepersoninthewateralsowipedawaytears. “Oh,no,”sobbedNarcissus. “Iseethetruthnow; Itismyself Iweepfor! Iyearnformyownreflection!”AsNarcissuscriedharder,thetearsbroketheglassysurfaceofthepoolandcausedhisreflectiontodisappear. “Comeback! Wheredidyougo?”the...
And as he gazed his cold heart grew warm, and love for this beautiful reflection rose up and filled his soul.He thrust his arms into the water, and strove to grasp the image by the neck, but it fled away.After a while, the image came back, and Narcissus tried to kiss it but ...
Narcissus Whenhereachedoutandtriedtoembracethisvisionofbeauty,hefoundnoonethere.“Whatlovecouldbemorecruelthanthis?”hecried.“Whenmylipskissthebeloved,theytouchonlywater!WhenIreachformybeloved,Iholdonlywater!”Narcissus Narcissusbegantoweep.Whenhewipedawayhistears,thepersoninthewateralsowipedawaytears.“Oh,...