*在 Alexa Skill 设置页面,选择 “Test”,选择 “Enabled” *这时,你在 Alexa App 中,选择 “Skills”,点击 “Your Skills”,就能看到你的 Skill 了,点击 “Link Account” 就能进入登录页面了 *输入您在自己的 App 中注册的账号和密码,如果最终出现成功连接账号的页面,您就能在 Alexa Skill 的程序中收到 ...
当使用者触发Alexa的intent之后, Alexa会将这个intent传递给其它service处理, 使用者可以自己架构这样的server, 或是使用Amazon AWS Lambda, 这里我们将暂停设定Alexa, 并且设定AWS Lambda, 稍后再将这部份完成Account Linking的配置方法:将下图页面的 Redirect URLs 设置到机智云 “产品互联” 的 Redirect URL 中,”...
步骤六:在Amazon 开发者网站创建 Alexa Skill 让我们跟随Patrick的指引 - 从第4步开始:https://www.instructables.com/id/Control-Raspberry-Pi-GPIO-With-Amazon-Echo-and-Pyt/step4/AWS-Account/ Patrick 的第四步:创建一个 Amazon 开发者帐号。 Patrick 的第五步:创建一个新的skill,我使用了这个调用名字“...
播客和Amazon Echo系统是天作之合:您将获得良好的音质,基于语音的控制以及可收听的各种播客。 让我们看看如何利用庞大的播客库,以及在必要时如何超越该库。 (How Your Echo Supports Podcast Playback) We’ve shown you how to fine tune your Amazon Echo to give you weather and sports updates, but you ...
Prime Photos: If you use Amazon Prime Photos to store your photos, you can choose one of the albums on your account to be your background. Your Echo Show will then cycle through each photo in the album. Prime照片:如果您使用Amazon Prime Photos存储照片,则可以选择帐户中的相册之一作为背景。
JavaScript on AWS Help Contact Us Get Expert Help File a Support Ticket AWS re:Post Knowledge Center AWS Support Overview Legal AWS Careers Create an AWS Account Amazon is an Equal Opportunity Employer: Minority / Women / Disability / Veteran / Gender Identity / Sexual Orientation / Age.Langua...
1.Download EZCast App Y ou need to register your EZCast device within the EZCast app, before using your Amazon Echo to voice control it. Our EZCast app supports on phones and tablets with:◦Android 4.4 and above ◦iOS 9.0 and above 2. Select your EZCast device Launch EZCast ...
(第二代)的电源线 三, 使用 QQ 浏览器或者 Google Chrome 浏览器打开: Alexa.amazon.com, 点击"New to Amazon? Create an account"创建新用户,并进入账号创建 页面 四, 创建好用户后,点击"Sign In"(登录),进入下一步 五, 添加 Echo Do(t 第二代)设备,选择"Settings" — "Set up a new device", ...
The Amazon Alexa voice assistant on yourAmazonEcho can whisper. And you can also limit how much it says when you talk to it. I'm finding it useful at home with a baby in the house, when I don't need Alexa saying "OK" every time I turn off the lights, or when I need Alexa to...