echo [选项] [字符串]1.输入一行文本并显示在标准输出上$ echo Tecmint is a community of Linux Nerds会输出下面的文本:Tecmint is a community of Linux Nerds 2.输出一个声明的变量值比如,声明变量x并给它赋值为10。$ x=10会输出它的值:$ echo The value of variable x = $x The value of variable...
5. `echo variable`:显示变量value的值。 6. `echo var=value`:设置变量var的值为value。 7. `echo var==value`:判断变量var是否等于value,如果相等则显示“真”,否则显示“假”。 8. `echo var!=value`:判断变量var是否不等于value,如果不相等则显示“真”,否则显示“假”。
Using the echo command you can echo the value of a variable. Just you need to declare and assign value to a variable and then simply echo the value of the variable. For your good understanding, we will discuss some examples which are given below: Example # 01: Let’s take an example,...
declare后不接任何内容,代表查询所有变量,作用和set一致 -a :将后面名为 variable的变量定义成为数组 (array)类型 -i :将后面名为 variable的变量定义成为整数数字 (integer)类型 -x :用法与 export一样,就是将后面的 variable变成环境变量; +x :将环境变量变为自定义变量 -r :将变量配置成为 readonly类型,...
$ echo Tecmint is a community of Linux Nerds #会输出下面的文本: Tecmint is a community of Linux Nerds 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 输出一个声明的变量值 #比如,声明变量x并给它赋值为10。 $ x=10 #会输出它的值: $ echo The value of variable x = $x ...
$ echo The value of x is $x echo-command-print-variable-value (3) 打印一行包含双引号的文本 要使用 echo 命令打印一行包含双引号的文本,只需将包含双引号的短语用单引号括起来。 $ echo Hello guys welcome to ' "Linuxtechi" ' Print-Text-Double-Quotes-String-echo-command ...
$ echo Tecmint is a community of Linux Nerds会输出下⾯的⽂本:Tecmint is a community of Linux Nerds2.输出⼀个声明的变量值 ⽐如,声明变量x并给它赋值为10。$ x=10会输出它的值:$ echo The value of variable x = $x The value of variable x = 10...
输出以下文本: rumenz is a community of Linux Nerds 2.声明一个变量并打印它的值。...例如:声明一个变量x并分配其值=10. $ x=10打印: $echoThe value of variable x = $x The value of variable x = 10...3.使用选项\b 退格符和反斜杠解释器-e,删除中间的所有空格。...Documents$ 12.使用选项...
2.Declare a variable and echo its value. For example, Declare a variable ofxand assign its value=10. $ x=10 echo its value: $ echo The value of variable x = $x The value of variable x = 10 Note: The ‘-e‘ option in Linux acts as an interpretation of escaped characters that ar...
Theecho "Hello, $name!"command prints a greeting message that includes the$namevariable value. Since we enteredSaraat the prompt, the output isHello, Sara!. Testing Dangerous Commands Usingechobefore a potentially dangerous command, such asrm -rf, allows you to see what files and directories ...