Echeveria Lola Succulent Edit image Molded Wax Agave Edit image Rosette Succulent Plant Edit image Nikon L29 Digital Edit image Echeveria Lilacina Edit image Echeveria Plant Edit image Houseplant Echeveria Edit image Juicy Plant Pot Edit image Succulent Plants Edit image Succulent Plants Edit image Suc...
“Great buy” Stunning Echeveria 'Lola' October 31, 2024 byAnnette S.(United States) “She is a beauty. Nice shape and well grown” Display OptionsSort ReviewsHighest to LowestNewest to OldestOldest to NewestLowest to HighestFavorite Reviews...
'Lola'Echeveria hybrid Size: 3 to 5 inches tall and 5 to 6 inches wide Color: Pale green and pink foliage, pinkish-grey flower stems and bracts, orange-yellow flowers Symmetrical rosettes have a waxy sheen that is reminiscent of pearls. Flowers appear on short stems in spring. Showcase in...