Echeveria elegans, also called the Mexican snowball, is a beautiful succulent plant. For gardens, or pots, this rosette plant is one of the most popular succulents in the world. Rachel Garcia discusses all aspects of its care and maintenance. ...
日照需求: 墨西哥雪球 在提供充足日照的條件下生長最好,每天至少接受6小時直射日光,以維持其優雅的莖狀形態和鮮豔的葉色。在不太理想的情況下,它可以容忍部分陽光;但是,光線不足可能導致 墨西哥雪球 為了陽光而拉長生長,造成其長而稀疏的外觀。過多的陰影可能抑制開花,並導致褪色。在戶外種植時,應將 墨西哥雪球 放...
Learn more at How to Grow and Care for Echeveria. Toxicity of Echeveria elegans E. elegans has no toxic effects reported. It is safe around pets and humans, although it is not advisable to eat it. Forms and Hybrids of Echeveria elegans Echeveria albicans Echeveria 'Apus' Echeveria 'Gilva' ...
Echeveria elegans growing in rock garden. Photo by: Tim Ludwig / Millette Photomedia Where to grow: Indoors, place in an area that receives bright direct light, such as a south-facing window; or supplement with artificial lighting. Outdoors, place in a spot that gets at least 4 to 6 hou...
For your indoor Echeveria elegans and other types of Echeveria succulents, you have two choices. Either pour water through the soil until it runs out through the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot or water from below by setting the pot into a dish of water so water can come into the...
Echeveria harmsiiJ. F. Macbr. Common Name(s) Plush Plant, Red Echeveria Synonym(s) Cotyledon elegans,Echeveria elegans, Oliveranthus elegans, Oliverella elegans Scientific Classification Family:Crassulaceae Subfamily:Sempervivoideae Tribe:Sedeae ...
Define echeveria. echeveria synonyms, echeveria pronunciation, echeveria translation, English dictionary definition of echeveria. n. Any of various tropical American plants of the genus Echeveria, having thick, succulent leaves usually clustered in dense