圆锥花序,黄或红黄色,开花期在冬季。 37.月影(Echeveria elegans) 泥炭土或腐叶土加粗沙。 株高5厘米,株幅20~25厘米。叶片多,卵形,先端厚,稍内弯,新叶有小尖,肥厚多汁,淡粉绿色,表面被白粉,排列成莲座状。花淡红色,夏、冬季开花。为石莲花属的夏型种。 38.红边月影(Echeveria albicans) 冬季室温在10℃左右...
Echeveria elegans - Mexican Snowball $5.99 Qty: Echeveria 'Doris Taylor' - Woolly Rose $5.99 Qty: Sedeveria 'Lilac Mist' $6.99 Echeveria haagai 'Tolimanensis' $5.99 Qty: Echeveria 'Captain Hay' $5.99 Qty: Sedeveria 'Blue Elf' $5.99 ...
Echeveria elegansis as classic as succulents get. If asked to think of a succulent, we’d bet this is the one you’re picturing. It has tight rosettes of plump leaves, blue-green-grey coloring, and a healthy coating of farina (also calledepicuticular wax). It’s no wonder you’ll hear...
Alba(alba) 月影系 Echeveria elegans(albicans) 青瓷莲(alonsoi) 乙女(花乃井)(村雨) (amoena) 广寒宫(cante) 吉娃娃(chihuahuaensis) 王妃锦司晃(ciliata) 王妃锦司晃(ciliata) 晚霞(cv.afterglow) 大红莲(cv.bigred) 黑王子/黑助(cv.blackprince) 蓝鸟(cv.bluebird) 白闪冠(cv.bombycina) 愁宴(cv....
Define echeveria. echeveria synonyms, echeveria pronunciation, echeveria translation, English dictionary definition of echeveria. n. Any of various tropical American plants of the genus Echeveria, having thick, succulent leaves usually clustered in dense
Echeveria elegans Size: 2 to 4 inches tall; clumps up to 20 inches wide Color: Pale blue foliage, pink flower stems and bracts, pink and yellow flowers Also called pearl echeveria, the pale blue-green rosettes go with many other colors. Grown in bright sun, the foliage will take on a ...
Forms and Hybrids of Echeveria elegans Echeveria albicans Echeveria 'Apus' Echeveria 'Gilva' Echeveria× gilva 'Red' Echeveria 'Hercules' Echeveria 'Violet Queen' ×Graptoveria 'Fantome' ×Sedeveria 'Blue Lotus' Links Back to genus Echeveria Succupedia: Browse succulents by Scientific Name, Common ...
elegans(月影)莲座,能够清楚地看出叶子的厚度。石莲花属的根系非常丰富而伸展,但大多较浅。 6楼2015-12-05 16:00 回复 不是一颗多肉植物 塞满阳台 6 这是一些新采摘的石莲花的花,它们要比普通植物的花期更长。·种,人工繁殖,杂交,以及其他定义(Species, cultivars, hybrids and other definitions)人类为了了解...
Alba(alba) 月影系 Echeveria elegans(albicans) 青瓷莲(alonsoi) 乙女(花乃井)(村雨) (amoena) 广寒宫(cante) 吉娃娃(chihuahuaensis) 王妃锦司晃(ciliata) 王妃锦司晃(ciliata) 晚霞(cv.afterglow) 大红莲(cv.bigred) 黑王子/黑助(cv.blackprince) 蓝鸟(cv.bluebird) 白闪冠(cv.bombycina) 愁宴(cv....
Echeveria Blue heron 蓝色苍鹭 Echeveria blue minima 若桃 Echeveria setosa v. deminuta 小蓝衣 Echeveria globulosa 小红衣 Echeveria cv. Takasagonookina 高砂之翁 Echeveria minima 姬莲 Echeveria Blue Sky 天空蓝蓝 Echeveria BROWN SUGAR 红糖 Echeveria Californica Queen 织锦 ...