先説需求:要想把设备在全国的分布在地图上画出来,以zoom in/out鼠标缩放 相信很多网友都在找china.js 劝你别找了。 那个不能鼠标缩放, 现在我以在jeecg-boot项目(前端vue)来实验的, 先看效果 数据点造了2个: [{"name":"合肥","value":[120.99,36.99]},{"name":"大庆","value":[120.01,36.01]}] ...
isFullScreen"@click="handleZoom"/></template>import * as echarts from 'echarts' import ZoomInOut from '@/components/zoomInOut/index.vue' import Moment from 'moment' export default { components: { ZoomInOut }, props: { chartId: { type: String, default: '' }, title: { type: Strin...
In my project, I have implemented a 3D globe. I can zoom in and zoom out using the mouse wheel. My requirement is to get zoom in and zoom out by clicking the button just like in Google Maps. On clicking the zoom in (+) button, the globe should zoom in and by clicking zoom out...
Users can hover over data points, zoom in and out of charts, and interact with the data in real-time. This enhances the user experience and enables deeper exploration and analysis of complex data sets. 2.3 Responsive Design ECharts ensures that charts are responsive and can adapt to different...
[0],inRange:{color:["#8db1f1","#026aa9"],},},series:[{type:"map",map:"china",aspectScale:0.75,zoom:1.2,label:{show:true,color:"#ffffff",},itemStyle:{borderColor:"rgba(147, 235, 248, 1)",areaColor:{type:"radial",x:0.5,y:0.5,r:0.9,colorStops:[{offset:0,color:"rgba(17...
visualMap.inRange 表示在数据映射范围内的数据采用的样式; visualMap.outOfRange 则指定了超出映射范围外的数据的样式。 visualMap.dimension 则指定了将数据的哪个维度做视觉映射。 visualMap: [ {type:'continuous',min:0,max:5000,dimension:3,// series.data 的第四个维度(即 value[3])被映射seriesIndex:4,...
:200px; height: 15px; padding: 0; box-shadow: 0 0 5pxrgb(255,69,0); border-radius: 20px; } #map3... */ #map2 .ol-zoom .ol-zoom-out { margin-top: 204px; } #map2 .ol-zoomslider { background-color 智能推荐 Android 开发:Viewtext(1)换行,换颜色 ...
setTimeout(() => createChart(), 1000); //api加载完还需要加载一个getScript,若getScript不加载完 BMap 会报错 undefined }; } loadScript(); 2. 示例 2.1 设计模板 点击设计器左上角「文件>新建决策报表」,新建一张空白模板即可。 进入决策报表后,将 ECharts 图表拖入 body 中。如下图所示: ...
"animationEasingUpdate": "cubicOut", "animationDelayUpdate": 0, "aria": { "enabled": false }, "color": [ "#5470c6", "#91cc75", "#fac858", "#ee6666", "#73c0de", "#3ba272", "#fc8452", "#9a60b4", "#ea7ccc"
t = setTimeout(time, 1000); //開始运行 function time() { clearTimeout(t); //清除定时器 let dt = new Date(); var y = dt.getFullYear(); var mt = dt.getMonth() + 1; var day = dt.getDate(); var h = dt.getHours(); //获取时 ...