that.isEmpty ? 45 : 0, // width: 60, // overflow: 'truncate', // ellipsis: '...', formatter: function (value) { return (value.length > 5 ? (value.slice(0, 5) + '...') : value) }, color: '#666' } 2、然后监听图表的mouseover事件,在鼠标悬浮到文字上时展示完整文字,点击...
color: '#ddd',formatter: function (params) {var percent = 0var total = 0for (var i = 0; i < trafficWay.length; i++) {total += trafficWay[i].value}percent = ((params.value / total) * 100).toFixed(0)if ( !== '') {return + '\n' + '\n' + '...
{ show: true, formatter: function (params) { return (params.value / maxData * 100).toFixed(1) + ' %'; }, position: 'right', offset: [10, 0], textStyle: { color: 'green', fontSize: 18 } } }, animationDuration: 0, symbolRepeat: 'fixed', symbolMargin: '5%', symbol: ...
this.dom.getContext is not a function 这个报错是指图表的实例对象只能通过document 获取,不可以用ref<'ElFormInstance>() 也就是27行和30行“echarts”指 UMD 全局,但当前文件是模块。请考虑改为添加导入 这句说的是echarts应该通过全局引入的方式,可以通过npm安装echarts 解决,也可以在适当的位置全局引入ech...
formatter: function (params) { return 'X: ' +[0].toFixed(2) + '<br>Y: ' +[1].toFixed(2); } }, grid: { }, xAxis: { min: -100, max: 80, type: 'value', axisLine: {onZero: false} },
value / total) * 100).toFixed(0); if ( !== '') { return + ':' + percent + '%'; } else { return ''; } }, } }, }, data: data, }, // 外线 { name: 'ring5', type: 'custom', coordinateSystem: 'none', renderItem: function (params:any, api:...
to a plain object, without\n * properties in prototype.\n * Other data types is not supported (not sure what will happen).\n *\n * Caution: do not support clone Date, for performance consideration.\n * (There might be a large number of date in ``).\n * So date ...
{backgroundColor:newecharts.graphic.RadialGradient(0.3,0.3,0.8, [{offset:0,color:'#431ab8'}, {offset:1,color:'#471bba'}]),title: {text: (value *100).toFixed(0) +'{a|%}',textStyle: {fontSize:50,fontFamily:'Microsoft Yahei',fontWeight:'normal',color:'#bcb8fb',rich: {a: ...
], function (echarts) { var option = { tooltip: { }, legend: { data: ['a', 'b', 'c'], selector: true }, series: [ { name: 'AAA', type: 'pie', center: ['75%', '50%'], radius: '30%', data: [ {name: 'a', value: 12}, {name: 'b', value: 34}, {name:...
value: 22404.488}, {name: 'Austria', value: 8401.924}, {name: 'Azerbaijan', value: 9094.718}, {name: 'Burundi', value: 9232.753}, {name: 'Belgium', value: 10941.288}, {name: 'Benin', value: 9509.798}, {name: 'Burkina Faso', value: 15540.284}, {name: 'Bangladesh', value: 151125....