简介:【echarts报错】line series not exists,should be same with series name or data name @[toc] 报错 echats图表在启动之后报如下提示错误信息 line series not exists,should be same with series name or data name 分析 这就要看一下legend的data值是否和series的name匹配。 如果不匹配,需要去修改legend...
Error: Component series. not exists. Load it first. 的错误,话不多说,教程中的代码如下所示: 1function fetchData(cb) {2// 通过 setTimeout 模拟异步加载3setTimeout(function () {4cb({5categories: ["衬衫","羊毛衫","雪纺衫","裤子","高跟鞋","袜子"],6data: [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, ...
Error: Component series. not exists. Load it first. 的错误,话不多说,教程中的代码如下所示: 1function fetchData(cb) {2// 通过 setTimeout 模拟异步加载3setTimeout(function () {4cb({5categories: ["衬衫","羊毛衫","雪纺衫","裤子","高跟鞋","袜子"],6data: [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, ...
echarts 报错 —— Component series.map not exists. Load it first,原因:使用了简化版的echartswebpack.config.dev.js中路径别名引用了简化版的echartsresolve:{
renrenfast 框架 echarts地图组件 报错Component series.lines not exists. Load it first. renrenfast 框架 echarts地图组件 报错 bug: 始终无法安装自己的echarts版本,始终console 出来的是3.84 (实际是安装了4.9.0) 并且引用地图组件会报以下错误。 image.png...
简介:echarts 报错 —— Component series.map not exists. Load it first 原因:使用了简化版的echarts webpack.config.dev.js 中路径别名引用了简化版的echarts resolve: {extensions: ['.js', '.vue'],alias: {'@': path.resolve(__dirname, './src'),'vue': 'vue/dist/vue.common',// 路径别...
'echarts/theme/macarons','echarts/chart/bar','echarts/chart/line'],function (ec,theme) { //--- 折柱 --- var myChart = ec.init(document.getElementById('main'),theme);1: 在require里面导入 theme/macarons 主题的名字,注意不要加js 2:function传入 theme 3:初始化的时候,...
import *asechartsfrom'echarts'; exportdefault{ name:"eCharts",data() {return{ } },mounted() { this.showChart(); }, methods: {showChart() {// 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例varmyChart =echarts.init(document.getElementById('treeChart'));//var ROOT_PATH = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr...
【echarts报错】line series not exists,should be same with series name or data name @[toc] 报错 echats图表在启动之后报如下提示错误信息 line series not exists,should be same with series name or data name 分析 这就要看一下legend的data值是否和series的name匹配。 如果不匹配,需要去修改legend data...
echarts异步加载柱状图遇到的错误- Error: Component series. not exists. Load it first. 2016-12-21 09:59 −... 划过天际 3 29911 Error: Component legend.scroll not exists. Load it first. 2019-12-17 14:04 −解决办法: 找到vue-echarts下的components>echarts.vue, 将import echarts from '...