The graph have simple nodes and links, root -> a -> b, root -> c -> a. There two nodes with same nameabut different id. Minimal Reproduction will auto select nodesa, c, rootin 3 seconds after the chart finished. Current Behavior ...
[Enhance] Add a delay to avoid flashing when hovering on nodes and edges of graph and sankey series. 11572 (deqingli) [Fix] Fix bar width calculation with barMaxWidth constraint and negative barGap. #11713 (pissang) [Fix] Fix seams in heatmap series. Which may cause unexpected gray lines...
addNode(id: string | number, dataIndex?: number): GraphNode { id = id == null ? ('' + dataIndex) : ('' + id); const nodesMap = this._nodesMap; if (nodesMap[generateNodeKey(id)]) { if (__DEV__) { console.error('Graph nodes have duplicate name or id'); } return; } ...