窦房结 SA node 结间束 internodal atrial pathways 房室结 AV node 希氏束 AV bundle 右束支 right bundle branches 左束支 left bundle branches Purkinje 纤维网 Purkinje system (一)心血管传导系统 cardiovascular intrinsic conduction system 心电轴的检测 determination of axis deviation 通常可根据肢体Ⅰ、 ...
也叫房性期前收缩。表现为P波过早出现,后边跟随的是正常的QRS-T综合波,期间有一个非代偿性间歇,指示窦房结(SA node)复位。 图5 房性早搏atrial premature contraction(1bar代表1秒) 心房颤动 房颤是房室的个别肌纤维在不同时期分散...
信号通过房室节点(atrioventricular (AV) node)传递到房室束(atrioventricular bundle),房室束分裂成浦肯野纤维( Purkinje fibers),浦肯野纤维携带电信号并引起下心室收缩。 与ECG相关的心脏结构示意图 【去极化】一般细胞的内部以细胞膜为界,内部具负电性,这种极性程度的减弱称为去极化。去极化是通过向膜外的电流...
也叫房性期前收缩。表现为P波过早出现,后边跟随的是正常的QRS-T综合波,期间有一个非代偿性间歇,指示窦房结(SA node)复位。 图5 房性早搏atrial premature contraction(1bar代表1秒) 房颤是房室的个别肌纤维在不同时期分散而连续的收缩发生的震颤,是由房性早搏(atrial premature contraction )引发的,特点是心律无...
1、Chapter 8 in Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology: ElectrocardiographyBy Joseph Carr and John BrownBiomedical Instrumentation ISchematic Representation of Electro-Conduction System SA Node AV Node Bundle of His Bundle Branches Purkinjie FibersFrom Berne and Levy Physiology 3rd Edition Fig 2...
SA node>AV node>bundle of his>R&L bundle branches Where is Bachmann's bundle? What does it do? Bachmann's bundle is in the LA. It depolarizes the LA from the SA node What has the fastest speed of conduction? Slowest? Fastest is Purkinje fibers, slowest is AV node Which step is se...
ECG=Electrocardiogram Tracingofheart’selectricalactivity 追踪心脏的电活动 WhatProducerecordingInterpretation WhatisanECG?heart心脏 WhatProducerecordingInterpretation 水路 电路 Cardiovascular Electrocard TheConductionSystem •SAnode窦房结 •internodalatrialpathways结间束•AVnode房室结•bundleofHis希氏束 • Wh...
ECG和除颤(final)常见心电图及除颤技术 (一)心血管传导系统cardiovascularintrinsicconductionsystem 心脏的传导系统由以下几部分组成 •窦房结SAnode •结间束internodalatrialpathways •房室结AVnode •希氏束AVbundle•右束支rightbundlebranches•左束支leftbundlebranches•Purkinje纤维网Purkinjesystem 正常...
1、,Electrocardiogram (ECG),Arrhythmias,Review,Four characteristics of cardiac cells Automaticity : SA node is the most automatic SA node 60-100 bpm ; AV junction 40-60 bpm ; His bundle 25-40 bpm Conductivity : AV node is the slowest; Purkinje fibers is the fastest. Excitability:absolute ...