* Great for nursing students and RNs. “As a nurse educator (and earlier a staff RN) I made these required reading for my students, plus it's useful well beyond graduation.”—Barbara R., Online Reviewer * Perfect Pocket reference. “For those of us that don't always remember every det...
Student Preclass Preparation by both reading the Textbook and watching videos online improves exam perfor- mance in a partially flipped Course. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2020;19(3):ar32. 24. Bossaer JB, Panus P, Stewart DW, Hagemeier NE, George J. Student Perfor- mance in a Pharmacotherapy ...
as well as instantaneous heart-rate (HR1). All three are sampled at one second resolution. HR1 is included solely for illustrating the effect of sample size. We can thus state hypothesis H2:average correlation
Recently, ML-based heart disease classification techniques using ECG tracings have been proposed in the literature to aid physicians in reading an ECG tracing. However, the black box nature of ML techniques has left physicians from knowing the reason behind the ML model’s classification output ...