6) Send cases to your friends, in PDF format For students or interns, you can use the cases as learning resources. For teachers, you can use the cases as teaching resources. [Note] 1) All cases are stored in raw data (sample rate is 500hz), not static images, so you can look int...
5. Very detailed app for learning ECGs, all my staff has this app for continued learning. 6. As a medical student, this app is amazing. It's helped me a lot more than I could have hoped for. 7. I have been a paramedic for 15 yrs, I found this app to be an excellent tool for...
Directionality of reasoning has traditionally been associated with level of expertise. In this study designed to examine the effect of instructional material upon reasoning strategy, two approaches to teaching electrocardiograph (ECG) interpretation to medical students were experimentally studied. Two ECG ins...
Signal analysis is a domain which is an amalgamation of different processes coming together to form robust pipelines for the automation of data analysis. When applied to the medical world, physiological signals are used. It is becoming increasingly common in today’s day and age to be working wi...
Focused skills for medical emergencies. SPECIALTY Explore All Offerings Essential Oxygen 1 day course in emergency airway care for the non-expert provider Team Trauma 1 or 2 day course in integrated trauma care by a multi-disciplined team ECG SIM BLS Coming soon! ACLS Coming soon! PALS Coming...
For the DNN with a fixed threshold, and for the medical residents and students, we computed the precision, the recall, the specificity, the F1 score and, also, the confusion matrix. This was done for each class. Bootstrapping26was used to analyze the empirical distribution of each of the...
A systemic theo- retical lecture is indeed the most efficient way to deliver information; however, LBL may not be suitable for high- grade medical students, who need to cultivate high-level cognitive learning skills, such as analytical thinking and problem solving. The teaching tools are ...
"This book provides novice to expert nurses easily accessible information on rhythms and dysrhythmias...This is a great book for students and novice nurses learning rhythms. Its size lends itself to being used daily on the clinical unit."--Doody's Review Service A true pocket guide for workin...
They also underestimated America’s ability to unite for a cause and develop such a powerful bomb, perhaps because of the broadcasts by the Japanese media. F. The United States citizens looked down upon the Japanese as well, disgusted by the brutality of medical experimentation on human ...
Our protocol is based on a conventional pair-programming task design used in education69,70,71; as such it represents a completely natural task activity for the participants. In pair programming, dyads of students work on a single work station while taking turns to play the role of navigator ...