Loss of precordial T-wave balance occurs when the upright T wave is larger than that in V6. This is a type ofhyperacute T wave. The normal T wave in V1 is inverted. An upright T wave in V1 is considered abnormal — especially if it is tall (TTV1), and especially if it is n...
Cellular basis for the normal T wave and the ECG manifestations of the long QT syndromedoi:10.1016/S0022-0736(98)80063-0Gan-XinYanandCharlesAntzelevitchSDOSJournal of ElectrocardiologyG. Yan and C. Antzelevitch, "Cellular basis for the normal T wave and the ECG manifestations of the Long-...
Atrial escape beat 35 35 n Supraventricular escape beat 36 36 @ Link to external data (aux_note contains URL) 37 37 x Non-conducted P-wave (blocked APB) 38 38 f Fusion of paced and normal beat 39 39 ( Waveform onset 40 40 ) Waveform end 41 41 r R-on-T premature ventricular ...
Figure 38. The electrical axis of the heart (heart axis). As evident from the figure, the normal heart axis is between –30° and 90°. If the axis is more positive than 90° it is referred to as right axis deviation. If the axis is more negative than –30° it is referred to ...
decreased arterial oxygen supply ➡️ ATP depletion & decreased Na/K ATPase activity ➡️ partial depolarization ➡️ increased excitability & reentry (adjacent normal cardiomyocyte has positive charge) ➡️ ventricular tachycardia
Tall secondary R wave in lead V1 Wide, slurred S wave in leads I, V5, V6 Associated feature: ST segment depression and T-wave inversion in leads V1, V2, and sometimes V3 Usually a normal axis Normal variant in ∼ 5% of individuals [10] Cardiac Coronary artery disease Myocardial...
Tall secondary R wave in lead V1 Wide, slurred S wave in leads I, V5, V6 Associated feature: ST segment depression and T-wave inversion in leads V1, V2, and sometimes V3 Usually a normal axis Normal variant in ∼ 5% of individuals [10] Cardiac Coronary artery disease Myocardial...
This ECG Interpretation course will show how to identify normal versus abnormal cardiac anatomy, cardiac cycle and electrical conduction through the heart.
QT interval is usually 0.32s to 0.44s in normal heart rate. QT间期 QRS波群起点至T波终点时间,代表心室除极和复极的总共时间。其随心率变化而变化,正常心率范围内QT间期在0.32~0.44s。 U wave It is the low and flat wave at 0.02-0.04s after T wave, which direction is consistent with T wave....
非Q波性心梗 non-Q wave MI 非持续性室速 nonsustained ventricular tachycardia 非透壁性心梗 nontransmural MI 正常窦性心律 normal sinus rhythm 二尖瓣型P波 P mitrale 肺型P波 P pulmonale 房性早搏 PAC / Premature atrial contractions 起搏心律 pacemak...