T wave inversion), and deep and narrow Q waves (mimicking myocardial infarction, most commonly in the inferolateral leads) are the most frequent ECG findings and may precede manifest evidence of LV hypertrophy (Fig. 28.5). Voltage criteria for LV hypertrophy alone are nonspecific and are often...
, nonspecific T-wave changes, and evidence of ventricular hypertrophy.What is QRS abnormality?• Shape of an abnormal QRS complex varies from almost normal to wide and bizarre and/or slurred and notched. • Tall QRS complexes are usually caused by hypertrophy of one or both ventricles, or ...
(PRBBB), nonspecific intraventricular conduction disturbance(NICD), 2nd sinoatrial block (IISAB), heart enlargement and hypertrophy (HEH), high left ventricular voltage (HLVV), high right ventricular voltage (HRVV), paced rhythm (PR), atrial paced rhythm (APR), ventricular paced rhythm (VPR),...