v3.0.0 h1:sUs3vkvUymDpBKi3qH1YSqBQk9+9D/8M2mN1vB6EwHI= v3.0.0/go.mod h1:W848ghGpv3Qj3dhTPRyJypKRiqCdHZiAzKg9hl15HA8= v1.0.3 h1:xeWBM2nui+qnVvNM4S3foBhCAL2XgPU+a7FdpelbTq4= @...
monkey /'mʌŋki/ 猴子 panda /'pændə/ 熊猫 bear /bɛə/ 熊 lion /'laiən/ 狮 tiger /'taigə/ 老虎 fox /fɔks/ 狐狸 zebra /'zi:brə/ 斑马 deer /diə/ 鹿 giraffe /dʒi'rɑ:f/ 长颈鹿 goose /gu:...
✺ ZHANG Hua, WU Hai-yan, TIAN Rui, KONG You-bin, CHU Jia-hao, XING Xin-zhu, DU Hui, JIN Yuan, LI Xi-huan, ZHANG Cai-ying>>摘要 | 基于关联和连锁分析发掘大豆磷高效利用遗传位点和基因Linkage and association mapping of wild soybean (Glycine soja) seeds...
参数信息 书名 汪汪的生日派对 ISBN编号 9787544514699 适用年龄 3岁-6岁 正:副书名 汪汪的生日派对 出版社名称 长春出版社 定价 15.00元 是否是套装 否 作者/编者 无 分册名 汪汪的生日派对 图文详情 0 本店推荐 听觉专注力训练卡孩子口语注意力训练卡儿童亲子互动思维玩具 ¥[1_7ij1w4tp#51#SUlJSUQHoRN0...
This chapter introduces a new hybrid algorithmic approach based on the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm for successfully solving a number of routing p... Y Marinakis,M Marinaki,P Spanou - Springer International Publishing 被引量: 24发表: 2015年 加载更多研究...
Volatile exsolution at the Dinkidi Cu-Au porphyry deposit, Philippines: A melt-inclusion record of the initial ore-forming process Immiscible phases derived from degassing silicate magmas are considered to be precursors of metal-bearing hydrothermal fluids in porphyry deposits. The dev......
key[ki:] n.钥匙 quilt [kwilt] n.被子;床罩 it[it] pron.它 a[ə] art. (用于单数可数名词前)一(人、事、物) that[ðæt] pron.那;那个 spell[spel] v.用字母拼;拼写 please[pli:z] interj. (用于客气地请求或吩咐)请 Starter Unit 3 color['kʌlə] n. (=colour)颜色 red[red...
(12)/ki/King—king (13)/bil/Bill—bill (14)/smail/Smile—smile (15)/m/More—more (16)/’litl/Little—little (17)/west/West—west (18)/bel/Bell—bell No.2 House:音近词 (1)age/eid/—edge/ed/ (2)agree/’gri:/—angry/gri/ (3)bird/bd/—boat/but/ (4)back/bk/—bike/baik...
panicky ['pænɪki] adj. 恐慌的;易惊恐的 one-up vt. 领先;胜过 2. A spoilsport is a person who ruins other people's fun. 扫兴的人是一个破坏别人乐趣的人。 spoilsport n. 损坏他人快乐的人;扫兴者 3. The right food containers can make packing...
1) 一般情况在词尾加-s ,清辅音后读/s/,浊辅音和元音后读/z/。如:book---books /buks/ desk---desks /desks/ bag---bags /bægz/ game---games /geimz/ key---keys /ki:z/ 2) 以s, x, sh, ch,等结尾的词加-es,读/iz...