ECFEnglish Chess Federation ECFElectronic Case Filing System(Administrative Office of the US Courts) ECFEnterocutaneous Fistula(postoperative complication) ECFExtended Care Facility(health care) ECFEuropean Coordinating Facility ECFEarly Church Fathers
CHESS象棋比赛首先由工作人员开始讲解比赛的规则本次比赛是以积分积累形式胜者积两分,和棋积一分,负者积零分选手须在赛前随机抽签教室号码相同为一组进行组内大循环每位选手要进行十场对决比赛规则1、 一方在自己行棋时间内提出议和并对方同意的情况下视为和棋。(如果一方提...
Chess国际象棋 King王(国王) Queen后(皇后) Bishop['bɪʃəp]象(主教) Knight[naɪt]马(骑士) Rook[rʊk]车(城堡) Pawnpɔːn]兵(奴隶)Board棋盘 Position[pə'zɪʃ(ə)n]局面Checkmate['tʃekmeɪt]将死 Game对局对弈比赛 Openings开局middlegamemidgame中局Endgames残局 Tactics...
在沈阳师范大学学前教育专业毕业后,成为浙江武义棋院教练。 拥有十五年教学经验,学员累计上万人。2005年-2020年所带学员在浙江省金华市幼儿围棋比赛中多次获得冠军,连续多年包揽前三名。 现任大连围棋俱乐部华府培训部基础班教练。 Go CHESS 围棋 热爱工作 教导有方 Daily teaching #日常教学 ...
Chess set 国际象棋棋具 Colour 棋色 White 白方 Black 黑方 Piece 棋子 King 王 Queen 后 Rook 车 Bishop 象 Knight 马 Pawn 兵 Bishop of opposite colours 异色格象 Bishop of the same colours 同色格象 Bishop ending 象残局 Board 棋盘 Square 方格 Rank 横线 File 直线 Diagonal 斜线 Centre 中心 Wing ...
Whether I am playing a casual game with friends or competing in a tournament, the allure of chess continues to captivate me. 中文回答: 我的爱好是下象棋。象棋是一种既需要动脑又需要思考的策略性游戏。它之所以能流传这么久,是因为它既讲究逻辑,又要求直觉和创造力。我在棋盘上移动棋子时,会感到很投入...
Join the chess club 关于象棋俱乐部的造句英语翻译 1 你想加入象棋俱乐部吗? Do you want to abb the Chin chess club. 2 你们想加入什么俱乐部?我们想加入象棋俱乐部。 What club do you wang to join? We want to join the chess club. 3 我是在竞选象棋俱乐部经理。 I'm running for president of th...
I have a good friend who loves playing Chinese chess. We often play it together and have a great time. My friend is really good at Chinese chess. He always comes up with smart strategies and beats me sometimes. Playing Chinese chess with my good friend is not just about the game. It'...
Why join the International Chess Club? 1. Improve Your Skills: Our experienced coaches and players are here to help you hone your chess skills and reach new levels of mastery. 2. Meet Like-Minded Individuals: Connect with people who share your passion for chess and make new friends in a ...
class班级、glass玻璃、miss想念、kiss吻、guess猜想、grass草地、pass通过、possess拥有、boss老板、bless祝福、cross穿过、chess象棋、adress地址、success成功、discuss讨论等。 一、class 英 [klɑːs] 美 [klæs] n. 等级;阶级;阶层;班级;课;[生]纲;<口>出色的风度 v. 分类 1、class用作名词意思是“...