ecdysone receptor (EcR-A) 原装正品1ml上清液 货号:15G1a(EcR-A)品牌: DSHB标签: 单克隆抗体 规格信息
ecdysone receptor (EcR) (common), Manduca sexta 原装正品1ml上清液 货号:9B9品牌: DSHB标签: 单克隆抗体 规格信息
网络蜕皮激素受体 网络释义 1. 蜕皮激素受体 ...Aoyama and Chua, 1997),基于蜕皮激素受体(ecdysone receptor)的蜕皮类固醇拮抗剂(ecdysteroid agonist)诱导体系…|基于 1 个网页
Ecdysone Receptor Acts in - Expressing Neurons to Mediate Courtship BehaviorsJustin E. DaltonMatthew S. LeboLaura E. SandersFengzhu Sunand Michelle N. ArbeitmanCurrent Biology
To understand the evolution of the ecdysone pathway, the first and simplest way was to start with the evolution of the ecdysone receptor (Bonneton et al., 2003). The functional ecdysone receptor is a heterodimer of the nuclear receptor ECR (ecdysone receptor, NR1H1) and USP (ultraspiracle,... OPEN Identification of ecdysone receptor target genes in the worker honey bee brains during foraging behavior Shiori Iino , Satoyo Oya , Tetsuji Kakutani , Hiroki Kohno & Takeo Kubo * Ecdysone signaling plays central roles in ...
Pupation is induced by metamorphosis hormone, ecdysone via ecdysone receptor (EcR) with lipid mobilization, however, the molecular link of the EcR-mediated signal to the lipid mobilization remains elusive. To address this issue, EcR was genetically knocked-down selectively in 3rd instar larva fat ...
Ecdysteroids activate genes by interacting with the ecdysone receptor-ultraspiracle protein (EcR:USP) heterodimer bound to ecdysone response element (EcRE) that is located in the promoter region of ecdy- sone- inducible genes (2). Recently, several full-length cDNA encoding EcRs from Drosophila ...
Ecdysone is a major steroid hormone in insects and herbs. Ecdysone triggers mineralocorticoid receptor activation and induces cellular apoptosis. Ecdysone signaling through Ecdysone receptor isoform B1 is required cell autonomously for the muscle death. ...