Concentus ..Concentus Vocum - Reina Armonia Ecclesiastica, Op. 5 (2016) [Hi-Res]通过百度网盘分享的文件:Concentu...链接:提取码:8x7L复制这段内容打开「百度网盘APP 即可获取」
EcclesiasticusCommonwealthpluralismmemorialsKiplingThis article reads the design of the British Imperial War Graves cemeteriesin the context of the religious pluralism of the late Empire. Reviewing thedeliberations of the design committee and parliamentary debates on thedesign of the cemeteries, it notes ...
Recent publications on the Wisdom of Jesus Ben Sira (Ecclesiasticus)doi:10.1080/00062278.1982.10554334P.C. BeentjesBijdragen Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie en Theologie
Manuscript Bodley 959: Genesis-Baruch 3.20 in the Earlier Version of the Wycliffite Bible, Bd. IV: I Esdras-Ecclesiasticus 48.6Standop, EwaldIndogermanische Forschungen: Zeitschrift für Indogermanistik und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft