Ecclesiastes 11 Put out your bread on the face of the waters; for after a long time it will come back to you again. Give a part to seven or even to eight, because you have no knowledge of the evil which will be on the earth. If the clouds are full of rai
傳道書 11 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 11当 将你的粮食撒在水面 , 因为日久必能得着。 2你 要分给七人 , 或分给八人 , 因为你不知道将来有甚麽灾祸临到地上。 3云 若满了雨 , 就必倾倒在地上。树若向南倒 , 或向北倒 , 树倒在何处 , 就存在何处...
Ecclesiastes 11 Cast thy bread upon the waters; for thou shalt find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, yea, even unto eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth. If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the e
Eccl 11:1 ECCLESIASTES—NOTE ON11:1Cast your bread upon the watersis a difficult expression. Various... Eccl 11:2 ECCLESIASTES—NOTE ON11:2It is wise to have many ways to make a living and invest resources. Eccl 11:4 ECCLESIASTES—NOTE ON11:4Too much time spent trying to...
傳道書 11 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 11 当将你的粮食撒在水面,因为日久必能得着。 2 你要分给七人,或分给八人,因为你不知道将来有甚麽灾祸临到地上。 3 云若满了雨,就必倾倒在地上。树若向南倒,或向北倒,树倒在何处,就存在何处。 4 看风的,必不撒种;望云的,必不收割。 5 风从何道...
傳道書 11 Chinese Union Version (Simplified) 11 当将你的粮食撒在水面,因为日久必能得着。 2 你要分给七人,或分给八人,因为你不知道将来有甚麽灾祸临到地上。 3 云若满了雨,就必倾倒在地上。树若向南倒,或向北倒,树倒在何处,就存在何处。 4 看风的,必不撒种;望云的,必不收割。 5 风从何...
'傳 道書 11 ' not found for the version: Chinese New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version. 传道书 11 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 11 当慷慨施舍[a],因为日后必有收获。2 当把你的资财分给多人,因为你不知道日后会有什么灾难临到世上。3 云中满了水,就会下雨。树不论倒向南或倒向北,倒...
传道书 11 Chinese New Version (Simplified) 世事难测宜忠心勤劳 11 要把你的粮食撒在水面上,因为日久你必得回。 2 你要分为七份,或分为八份,因为你不知道将来会有甚么灾祸在地上发生。 3 云若充满水气,雨就倾倒在地上;树无论向南倒,或向北倒,倒在哪里,就横在哪里。 4 看风的,不撒种;观云的,不...
Ecclesiastes 11:5- As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the bones form in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things. This reminds us of our limited understanding and the need to trust in God's wisdom. ...
'傳 道書 11 ' not found for the version: Chinese New Testament: Easy-to-Read Version. 传道书 11 Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) 11 当慷慨施舍[a],因为日后必有收获。2 当把你的资财分给多人,因为你不知道日后会有什么灾难临到世上。3 云中满了水,就会下雨。树不论倒向南或倒向北,倒...