As a matter of fact, the rediscovered house of Peter is the first example of a domus- ecclesia in the Christian world. 事实上,伯多禄的家的再发现,是第一个有关基督徒世界中聚会所的例证。 3. She had previously taught at Ecclesia Bible College, as well as Theological...
英[ɪ'kli:zjə] 美[ɪ'kliʒɪr] 释义 n. 古希腊城邦的国民大会;教会;会友;教堂 词态变化 复数:ecclesiae; 实用场景例句 全部 Each letter covered both good and bad things at the particularecclesia. 每一封信都提到了那个教会中好的和坏的事. ...
ecclesia [英[ɪ'kli:zjə]美[ɪ'kli:ʒɪr]] ecclesia的意思、解释 复数形式:ecclesiae; n.古希腊城邦的国民大会;教会;会友;教堂 网络教会的;公民大会;和圣堂;早期的教会 更多
ecclesia是什么意思,ecclesia的意思是 n.古希腊城邦的国民大会;教会;会友;教堂 ecclesia 变化形式 复数: ecclesiae ecclesia 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释 So it is also in the body of christ , the ecclesia . 而在基督的身体里,也就是教会,那也是这样。 Only one ...
ecclesia/ɪ'kliːzɪə//ɪˈkliʒiə/ 添加到生词本 英汉-汉英词典 n. (古希 城邦的)市民 ; 堂 众; 堂 用户正在搜索 chanteur,chanteuse,chantey,chanteyman,chanticleer,chanting,chantlate,chantress,chantry,chants, 相似单词 ecchymoma,ecchymosed,ecchymosis,ecchysis,ecclasis,ecclesia,ecclesi...
The meaning of ECCLESIA is a political assembly of citizens of ancient Greek states; especially : the periodic meeting of the Athenian citizens for conducting public business and for considering affairs proposed by the council.
Twitter Google Share on Facebook ecclesia Legal Encyclopedia Wikipedia ec·cle·si·a (ĭ-klē′zhē-ə, -zē-ə)·cle·si·ae(-zhē-ē′, -zē-ē′) 1.The political assembly of citizens of an ancient Greek state. ...
沪江词库精选ecclesia是什么意思、英语单词推荐、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析 英音[i'kli:ziə] ; 美音[i'kli:ziə] ; 名词 古代雅典的人民会议,教会 词形变化 复数ecclesiae 相似短语 succinosuccinic acid琥珀酰琥珀酸 buccal occlusion【医】 颊Ж ...
ecclesia [ih-klee-zhee-uh,-zee-uh] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun pluralecclesiae an assembly, especially the popular assembly of ancient Athens. a congregation; church. Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofecclesia1 1570–80;<Latin<Greekekklēsíaassembly, equivalent toékklēt(os) ...