瘀癍 扩展解释:n. 【医学】 【医学】 皮下瘀斑,溢血斑 n. 【医】1. 淤血,2. 淤斑 (2).维基词典hematomaecchymosis A swelling of blood, usually clotted, which forms as a result of broken blood vessels. A skin discoloration caused by bleeding underneath the skin; a bruise. ...
contusion vs ecchymosis ecchymosis vs bruise hematoma vs ecchymosis carbonium vs carbenium crazy vs crazed crazy vs insane crazy vs mad Fluent vs proficient insane vs crazed mad vs crazed mad vs insane mortar vs concrete plague vs plaque 甙vs 苷 气缸vs 汽缸 adress vs ...
The signs and symptoms of ecchymosis include pain or tenderness when touching the bruise, skin discoloration, swelling, or a raised bump on the skin. The signs and symptoms of hematoma include pain, swelling, redness, disfiguring bruises, headache, neurologic problems such as weakness on one side...