Leipzig has hosted the ECC before: In the dynamic times of the “Wende” in September 1990 Prof. Dr. Peter Leonhardt, who died a few months ago, organized the 18th ECC in the German Democratic Republic. So, we invite you to come to Leipzig in June 2024: Join the meeting, present your...
2024.09.05LEIPZIG 莱比锡门德尔松故居室内乐厅·音乐会 2 MUSIK ♬..♩~ ♫. ♪.. 2024.09.07Beethovenfest Bonn 波恩贝多芬音乐节开幕 音乐会 3 MUSIK ♬..♩~ ♫. ♪.. 2024.09.07Beethovenhaus Bonn 波恩贝多芬音乐节贝多...
第45届欧洲细胞学大会(ECO 2024)汇聚了细胞病理学及相关领域的专业人士。第45届欧洲细胞学大会(ECO 2024)将于2024年6月23-26日在德国莱比锡举行。 ECC 2024 设计了各种各样的合作机会,每个合作机会都包含可确保所有公司获得最大知名度的好处。 我们鼓励所有感兴趣的公司与我们联系并制定最适合该公司的赞助计划。
A group of scientists (科学家) spent a lot of time studying the apes from San Diego Zoo in the US and Leipzig Zoo in Germany. They were surprised to find out apes love tomonkeyaround in many ways. Some apes would give their friend something only to take it back quickly, or even ...
We look forward to see you in Leipzig! For the German Society of Cytology, Dr. med Marianne Engels, FIAC Congress President 注册费: ◆ 参会对象:细胞学家,研究人员、临床医生以及该从事该领域研究的专家、科研人员、医药企业代表等等。 ※相关服务※ ...