Once you submit your application to ECC, processing it will take us 24-48 hours. After processing your application, you will receive a welcoming email with your student ID number. You need this number to view your username and set up your AccessECC student portal account and email. You will...
注册账户,开通邮箱 确认入学后,可以在学校教学系统中注册学生账户(Student Portal/ Student Link),此账户用于了解接下来的准备。 同时学生还会获得一个学校的专用邮箱,激活之后,学校所有重要邮件通知都将通过此邮箱发送。包括:提交申请之后的成绩单,选课,选宿舍,...
Email Address: Password: Don’t know your password?Membership Fees Professional Membership (applies to all professionals in a teaching or administrative role): One year: $60.00 Student Membership (applies to all undergraduate and graduate students who are not in a professional teaching or adminis...
Now your phone can become a remote control for the ASUSTOR Portal. AiRemote allows you to control all types of functionality on the ASUSTOR Portal. From the basic up, down, left, right controls used with the ASUSTOR Portal interfaces to the play, pause, rewind, fast forward and volume cont...
在接下来的一个月里,当你在邮箱、学生门户(student portal)或校园里看到这份英文名为NSES的调研邀请时,请务必写下你的反馈和建议! 你的意见对学校很重要。每一年,学校从这份调研中收集同学们对校园生活的宝贵意见,并以此为指引,不断优化校园体验。 填写问卷,...
translations/pt-BR/content/education/explore-the-benefits-of-teaching-and-learning-with-github-education/use-github-for-your-schoolwork/why-wasnt-my-application-for-a-student-developer-pack-approved.md,broken liquid tags translations/pt-BR/content/get-started/signing-up-for-github/setting-up-a-trial...
there areMaster of Business Administration Programs, International Student Exchange Program andYouth of Excellence Scheme of China ProgramChinese Government Scholarship--MBA Program for Developing Countries at South China University of Technology.华...
Abundant potential promotion opportunities in academic management, student affairs and college counseling; 06.薪资加绩效奖金的组合激励; Financial incentives beyond regular salary to recognize hard work; 07.免费健身房设施使用,且我们的教职工团队中有专业教练可提供指导意见。