However, the US CPI Report will likely have more impact. Hotter-than-expected inflation figures could force the Fed to delay plans to cut interest rates. A higher-for-longer rate path could impact borrowing costs and reduce disposable income. Downward trends in disposable income could impact co...
⑥目前,ECB的鸽派立场仍占主导,市场对其进一步宽松的预期未发生根本改变; ⑦EUR/USD短期内可能继续受到美元波动的影响,尤其是特朗普关税言论带来的不确定性; ⑧若美国对加拿大和墨西哥实施关税,EUR/USD可能跌破1.030,因美元走强和欧元区关税风险上升; ⑨总体来看,欧元走势将取决于ECB政策信号与美元波动的双重影响; ⑩...
* EUR/USD: $1.0900(E2.2bln)* USD/JPY: Y150.00($600mln)* AUD/USD: $0.6565-80(A$4.1bln), $0.6610-30(A$2.6bln) Larger FX Option Pipeline * EUR/USD: Jan25 $1.0975-80(E1.2bln), $1.1000-10(E1.4bln); Jan26 $1.0875-90(E1.2bln) * USD/JPY: Jan26 Y145.00($2.1bln) * ...
Crypto investors suffered a series of blows this year from the collapse of the FTX exchange, to the crash of stablecoin TerraUSD and the decline of Bitcoin. "This is not just a bubble that is bursting. It is like froth: multiple bubbles are bursting one after another," Pa...
【欧元/美元(EUR/USD)市场表现分析】 ① 欧元/美元汇率本周上涨1.57%,这一涨幅更多是由于美元指数的整体疲软,而非欧元本身的强劲买盘推动。本周欧元的上涨反映了美元在全球外汇市场上的广泛下跌趋势。 ② 本周欧洲数据普遍符合预期,下周预计将继续公布一系列欧洲经济数据,这些数据的发布可能会对欧元/美元汇率产生影响...
FOREX: USD/JPY Volatility Continues to Stir Speculation of Intervention Volatility across JPY markets takes the early focus in FX, as the post-5y auction weakness in Treasury futures persists into Thursday morning. The resulting widening of the US/JN yield differential worked further in favour of...
①2025年2月17日,欧元兑美元(EUR/USD)在1.0500下方震荡整理。 ②欧洲央行(ECB)理事帕内塔周末呼吁实施更宽松的货币政策,称当前货币政策对经济和通胀的下行压力已不再必要,若不果断放松政策,可能导致中期通胀过低。 ③市场预计欧洲央行未来12个月内将降息75个基点,政策利率将降至2.00%。与美联储不同,欧洲央行有空间...
The Bank has raised rates to 5.25% but given the elevated level of inflation, a further hike is likely. But data out this week revealed UK unemployment is on an upward trajectory and wage pressures will soon start to fall, easing inflationary pressures. ...
【欧元/美元(EUR/USD)市场表现分析】 ① 欧元/美元汇率本周上涨1.57%,这一涨幅更多是由于美元指数的整体疲软,而非欧元本身的强劲买盘推动。本周欧元的上涨反映了美元在全球外汇市场上的广泛下跌趋势。② 本周欧洲数据普遍符合预期,下周预计将继续公布一系列欧洲经济
【欧元/美元(EUR/USD)市场表现分析】 ① 欧元/美元汇率本周上涨1.57%,这一涨幅更多是由于美元指数的整体疲软,而非欧元本身的强劲买盘推动。本周欧元的上涨反映了美元在全球外汇市场上的广泛下跌趋势。② 本周欧洲数据普遍符合预期,下周预计将继续公布一系列欧洲经济