The documents that you need to provide when you’re applying to immigrate to Canada depend on the program you’re applying to. However, a common document that is required for most federal economic immigration streams, including Express Entry, is an Educational Credential Assessment or ECA....
The documents that you need to provide when you’re applying to immigrate to Canada depend on the program you’re applying to. However, a common document that is required for most federal economic immigration streams, including Express Entry, is an Educational Credential Assessment or ECA. Free ...
People who apply for Canadian immigration through the Express Entry system may need an ECA. Those who completed education outside Canada need an assessment for two important reasons: to be eligible as the principal applicant for the Federal Skilled Workers Program, or to earn Comp...
Most immigrants would tell you thatWESis the best ECA for Canada immigration. WES is by far the most popular organization to get an educational credential assessment in Canada. The reason is simple. They have the most efficient processing time, and they don't charge any more than the other ...
7)加拿大医药检测委员会(想获取药剂师执业许可证需通过此类认证) 详见加拿大移民局官网: 如果您打算申请加拿大移民,欢迎联系专属您的成都移民中介-圣捷出国的顾问进行咨询:...
Educational credential assessment: How to get 哪些学历需要认证(ECA) 总的来说,用来申请EE的加拿大学历认证只需要认证最高学历。比如我有一个硕士学位和一个本科学士学位,那么我...
No. Getting an ECA for immigration does not mean that your work experience and professional credentials are automatically recognized in Canada to get a license in a regulated profession. If you work in a regulated profession, you must still go through the process of getting your license in the... ICES:International Credential Evaluation Service(国际证书认证评估机构) MCC:Medical Council of Canada(加拿大医学会) 如果申请人的主要职业是专科医生/全科医生...
No. Getting an ECA for immigration does not mean that your work experience and professional credentials are automatically recognized in Canada to get a license in a regulated profession. If you work in a regulated profession, you must still go through the process of getting your license in the...
Medical Council of Canada:Date of Designation: April 17, 2013 (医师认证机构) Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC):Date of Designation: January 6, 2014(药剂师认证机构) 参考: