Filters=[{"Name": "subnet-id", "Values": [existing_subnet_id]}] )["NetworkInterfaces"] assert len(get_interfaces()) == 0 first_instance = create_instance() assert len(get_interfaces()) == 1 ec2_client.terminate_instances(InstanceIds=[first_instance["InstanceId"]]) ec2_client.get_wa...
{"Description":"This is a test description","VpcId":"vpc-1234567890abcdef0","Name":"Test Stack","TimeoutInMinutes":360,"Parameters":{"InstanceAmiId":"ami-1234567890abcdef0","InstanceSubnetId":"subnet-1234567890abcdef0","EnforceIMDSV2":"true"} } ...
For more information, see Change the instance type in the Amazon EC2 User Guide. Required: No Type: String Allowed values: a1.medium | a1.large | a1.xlarge | a1.2xlarge | a1.4xlarge | a1.metal | c1.medium | c1.xlarge | c3.large | c3.xlarge | c3.2xlarge | c3.4xlarge...
* [EC2-VPC] The ID of the subnet in which the instance is running. * @return Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together. */ publicInstancewithSubnetId(StringsubnetId){ setSubnetId(subnetId); returnthis; } 代码示例来源:origin: aws/aws-sdk-java insta...
Note that deleting the default SSM document does not impact or change a running instance that is associated with it. Run the following command to delete the default document. aws ssm delete-document --name "awsconfig_Domain_<directoryId>_<directoryName>" Finally, uplo...
aws ec2 run-instances\--image-id ami-0027dfad6168539c7\--security-group-ids<SECURITY_GROUP_ID>\--count1\--instance-type m4.xlarge\--key-name<KEYPAIR_NAME>\--subnet-id<SUBNET_ID>\--query"Instances[0].InstanceId" image-idrefers to the Deep Learning AMI Ubuntu instance. Be...
See Amazon EC2 Instance Types for information about instance types. Click Next: Configure Instance Details. Enter the Number of instances you want to create. For Network, select the VPC you created when setting up your AWS environm...
instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior = "terminate" instance_type = var.bastion_instance_type monitoring { enabled = true } network_interfaces { associate_public_ip_address = false device_index = 0 security_groups = [] subnet_id = element(module.vpc.private_subnets,...
type>can be used to specify an EC2 instance type to use. For now, the script only supports 64-bit instance types, and the default type ism3.large(which has 2 cores and 7.5 GB RAM). Refer to the Amazon pages aboutEC2 instance typesandEC2 pricingfor information about other instance types...
To enable ENA in a EC2 instance, execute the following command: aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute --instance-id <your-instance-id> --ena-support --region <your-region> Note This command does not return any output. Go to Step 5. Step 7 Change the instanc...