A novel optical nano-coupler based on surface plasmon (SP) coupling between two metal-dielectric interfaces of a metal (Ag) slab embedded in a dielectric material (SiO2) is proposed, analyzed with the EC FDTD method, characterized in terms of scattering parameters and fields distributions, and ...
openEMS - a free and open source equivalent-circuit (EC) FDTD simulation platform supporting cylindrical coordinates suitable for the analysis of traveling... openEMS – a free and open source equivalent‐circuit (EC) FDTD simulation platform supporting cylindrical coordinates suitable for the analysis...
OpenEMS [1] is a full vectorial three-dimensional equivalent-circuit (EC) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation platform with complete support for either Cartesian or cylindrical coordinates. Because of its memory efficiency and speed, the FDTD method is known to be particularly well suit...
openEMS is a free and open-source electromagnetic field solver using the EC-FDTD method. openEMS.de Resources Readme License GPL-3.0 license Activity Stars 473 stars Watchers 37 watching Forks 157 forks Report repository Releases 39 tags Packages No packages published Contributors ...
Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History 1,285 Commits .github Analyse Common FDTD TESTSUITE cmake/Modules linux matlab nf2ff python tools .gitattributes ...
在FDTD模拟中,折射率是一个非常重要的参量,它用于计算电磁波在材料中的传播速度和路径。FDTD模拟中,通常假设材料为均匀介质,所以折射率可以用下式表示: n = c / v 其中,c为光速,v为材料中的相速度。在FDTD模拟中,由于空间被离散化为网格,因此折射率也需要进行离散化处理,一般采用中心差分法对相速度进行离散化...
岗位职责: 1.计算电磁学算法 (时域有限差分法FDTD方向)的开发与维护; 2.完成算法在各种硬件平台和工程应用中的优化设计; 3.为CAE/EDA应用软件开发提供技术支持; 任职要求: 1. 电子工程、计算机相关专业,硕士及以上学历。2年以上工作或者研究经验; 2. 精通电磁时域有限差分算法(FDTD),熟悉Yee(Grid)网格离散与复杂...
岗位职责: 1.计算电磁学算法 (时域有限差分法FDTD方向)的开发与维护; 2.完成算法在各种硬件平台和工程应用中的优化设计; 3.为CAE/EDA应用软件开发提供技术支持; 任职要求: 1. 电子工程、计算机相关专业,硕士及以来自BOSS直聘上学历。2年以上工作或者研究经验; 2. 精通电磁时域有限差分算法(FDTD),熟直聘悉Yee(Gr...
EMI from a specially designed test enclosure with slots or apertures excited by interior sources was studied experimentally and with finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) modeling. The measurements and FDTD modeling agree well. The results indicate that radiation at cavity mode resonances through slots ...