EC-CURRENT 2022-11-8 07:57 来自微博 @正向文化娛樂 《楊千嬅 B minor 音樂會2022》B minor, be minor - 全新演出,以音樂詮釋,一場以心聆聽的舞台故事,一個以音樂作為劇本的作品,從二丁目走到橋上聽知更唱塔羅迷,分享27年來你和我的故事,與你從頭細數楊千嬅的小經典。 日期:2022年12月...
ECCURRENT 主营产品:脸部导入仪,绿茶素,造型液,玫瑰膏,洁面膜,马油霜 上榜行业 更多 目前ECCURRENT品牌尚未上任何行业榜单。 申请入驻ECCURRENT品牌在互联网上开设了官方旗舰店ECCURRENT海外旗舰店,让广大网民在网上也能买到与ECCURRENT实体店同款的商品。ECCURRENT品牌自创立至今,深受广大用户们的喜爱,虽然ECCURRE...
大年初五迎财神,XLUXES来拜年~[兔兔拜年] 1月18日~1月28日,天猫ECCURRENT海外旗舰店等你哟[财源滚滚] #初五迎财神# #大年初五# #年货节# #你今天拜财神了吗# #阳光姐妹淘# #xluxes# #xluxes青山# #xluxes银座...
fusiontokamakElectron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) is the main heating method for both the W7-AS stellarator, which is operational, and W7-X, which is under construction. An overview on physics studies on ECRH and EC-current drive (ECCD) in an extended parameter range at W7-AS is ...
We employ a direct electric current in metals, which produces a Doppler frequency shift of SPPs due to the uniform drift of electrons. This tilts the SPP dispersion, enabling one-way propagation, as well as zero and negative group velocities. The results are demonstrated for planar interfaces ...
CONSTITUTION:Once switcing transistor 12 turns off, electric current flows through a primary winding of transformer 15 by way of electric power source 11 and resistance 14, and consequently base current supplied from a secondary winding (b) to driving transistor 13, triggering the transistor. The ...
Background: Less is known about the sexual health of young adults than about adolescents, despite 20 to 24-year-olds' greater risk of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmissible infections. This paper provides information on college students' prior and current sexual practices including oral sex,...
HMSF 时间码更易于使用。 若要让导航器发送EC_DVD_CURRENT_HMSF_TIME事件而不是EC_DVD_CURRENT_TIME事件,应用程序必须调用 IDvdControl2::SetOption(DVD_HMSF_TimeCodeEvents, TRUE)。 设置此标志后,Navigator 还要求 IDvdControl2 和IDvdInfo2 方法中的所有时间参数都作为DVD_HMSF_TIMECODEs传递。
EC_DVD_CURRENT_HMSF_TIMESignals the current time, in DVD_HMSF_TIMECODE format, relative to the start of the title. This event is triggered at the beginning of every VOBU, which occurs every 0.4 to 1.0 seconds.ParameterslParam1A ULONG value that contains the DVD_HMSF_TIMECODE structure. ...