3M Scotch-Weld EC-1357 Neoprene High Performance Contact Adhesive 产品规格 /库存: 产品特点 暂无关联图书 商品详情 3M™氯丁橡胶高性能接触胶可用于粘接大多数橡胶、布料、金属、木材、泡沫玻璃、纸蜂窝、装饰塑料层压板和许多其他基材。特点粘接范围长、初始强度优异、耐热性高。符合规范MMM-A-121 和 MIL-A-...
3M Scotch-Weld EC-3924B Structural Adhesive Primer 1USQ Can *AWMS08-001 Issue B Class II (Freezer Storage -18°C) 产品规格/ 库存: 产品特点收藏 获取报价 暂无关联图书 商品详情EC-3924B 的特点:完全润湿被粘物的粘合剂可以喷涂、刷涂或辊涂提高粘合接头的耐久性保护清洁的表面可用作耐腐蚀涂层...
Key sheet and key method of manufacturing a sheetPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a key sheet which does not raise problems of mis-input, worsening of operable feeling, and pealing of key tops caused by variations in the applying position and amount of an adhesive, and to provide a ...
Further, the cured product exhibits excellent heat resistance at high temperature, gas barrier properties, etc. The cured product may be, for example, applied as an encapsulant or an adhesive material of a semiconductor device.KO Min JinKIM Kyung MiJUNG Jae HoCHOI Bum GyuKIM Min Kyoun...
HEADSETPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a headset to which an earphone cover can be extremely simply fitted without using an adhesive.TACHIKAWA TAKAYUKI刀川 孝行