Cerebral circulatory and metabolic changes following EC/IC bypass surgery in cerebral occlusive diseases. Neurol Res 15, 97-103.Muraishi K, Kameyama M, Sato K, Sirane R, Ogawa A, Yoshimoto T, Hatazawa J, Itoh M (1993) Cerebral circulatory and metabolic changes following EC/IC bypass ...
这些发现提示,需要进一步对EC-IC搭桥手术进行研究,以探索结合更多临床特征的精细化筛选患者的标准。 文献出处: Stroke . 2025 Feb;56(2):362-370. doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.048766. Epub 2024 Dec 27. Determining the Optimal Age for Extracra...
November 9, 2011 — Final results of a randomized trial show no additional benefit to the medical therapy of extracranial-intracranial (EC-IC) bypass surgery in patients with symptomatic atherosclerotic internal carotid artery occlusion (AICAO) with hemodynamic cerebral ischemia. The procedure had previ...
Again, the COSS researchers found no additional benefit of EC-IC bypass surgery over best medical therapy in reducing recurrent stroke or death. A low rate of primary endpoint events in the overall group suggested that strides made in best medical therapy would be difficult to beat. RECON was ...
EC/ICAcronymDefinition EC/IC Extracranial-Intracranial (bypass surgery) Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. Suggest new definitionWant to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content....
专题二:EC-IC bypass-Variations and Complications 作为国际脑血管病搭桥手术大咖,川岛明次教授十分擅长复杂动脉瘤以及烟雾病的搭桥治疗,在他开展过的1500例 EC-IC 搭桥手术中,43%用于治疗烟雾病,41%则应用于颅内动脉粥样硬化性疾病...
Improvement of cerebrovascular reserve capacity by EC-IC arterial bypass surgery in patients with ICA occlusion and hemodynamic cerebral ischemia Einhäupl K (1994) Improvement of cerebrovascular reserve capacity by EC-IC arterial bypass surgery in patients with ICA occlusion and hemodynamic cerebral.....
METHODS. Patients who underwent direct EC-IC bypass surgery agreed to sonolucent cranioplasty at the time of surgery and received a sonolucent polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) implant. Besides monitoring clinical outcome, all patients received trans-cranioplasty ultrasound (TCUS) on postoperative day 1 ...
intracranial bypass Description EC/IC Bypass Set Special Instruments for ExtraCranial/IntraCranial bypasses In cooperation with Prof. Peter Vajkoczy, MD, we have developed a set that is particularly designed for EC/IC bypass surgery. Both the anatomical conditions and the need for special instruments ...
"What the data were telling me was that with 95% confidence we can rule out a 5% benefit from extracranial/intracranial [EC/IC] bypass surgery." Peerless, who is professor of neurosurgery at Canada's University of Western Ontario, London, was principal neurosurgical investigator in the 71-...