Welcome to the European Coatings Academy, which is an online learning zone for people in careers in all areas of the coatings industry. The modules are presente…
Welcome to the European Coatings Academy, which is an online learning zone for people in careers in all areas of the coatings industry. The modules are presente…
多伦多华人私校Ace Acumen Academy在今年的秋季学期没有迎来任何新生,在没有来自留学生的新收入的情况下挣扎着维持运营。该校的首席执行官吴先生(John Wu)表示:“我们快撑不下去了。每次谈到学校的未来,我都忍不住流泪。” 吴先生认为,政府批评一些学院增加留学生招生的...
(财见 2025 年 1 月 8 日讯)在线教育公司 LingoAce 为青少儿提供中文、英文及数学课程,宣布在美国加州圣何塞、纽约以及澳大利亚墨尔本推出 Ace Academy 学习中心。 LingoAce 在 2024 年实现了现金流回正,线上核心业务盈利超过一年,公司认为混合学习将是下一个增长机会。凭借多年来在全球 100 多个国家和地区的教学...
and in their use in a wide range of applications. Dr. Perreault is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Fellow of the IEEE and is the recipient of numerous awards including the IEEE R. David Middlebrook...
IAMETInternational Academy for Marine Economy and Technology 国际海洋经济技术研究院 Buildings 校园建筑 TrentTrent Building (Original Name: Administration Building) Trent is a building with UNNC landmark:bell tower. Libraries and ...
Greater Mt Calvary Christian Preschool & Academy 9514 Westmoreland Ave, Manassas, VA 20110 (5 miles) Cougar Elementary 9330 Brandon St., Manassas Park, VA 20111 (6 miles) Baldwin Elementary 1978 Eagle Way, Manassas, VA 20110 (6 miles) Jennie Dean Elementary 9601 Prince William St, Manassas, ...
EC-Council Academy (https://eccouncilacademy.org)Hacked byGaySec(Malaysian hackers). EC-Council Academy is a separate distinct company with no corporate connection between itself and EC-Council or EC-Council University. Some months before same site was got hacked by some other hacker.Read here....
0 0 1 1 2 3 2 7 - 2025/01/18 Fehervar Hockey Academy 19 U20 费赫瓦尔学院19U20 EC-KAC青年队 0 0 - 2025/01/12 EC-KAC Youth EC-KAC青年队 HTC北欧曲棍球学院 1 3 2 6 0 0 1 1 - 2025/01/04 EC-KAC Youth EC-KAC青年队 菲拉赫青年队 1 2 0 3 0 0 1 1 - ...
本次博览会参展学校阵容强大,乔特罗斯玛丽中学(Choate Rosemary Hall)、西储学院(Western Reserve Academy)、湖森中学(Lake Forest Academy)、庞弗雷特中学(Pomfret School)、BASIS(贝赛思独立学校Brooklyn校区、McLean校区、Manhattan校区)等知名美高、寄宿美初希尔塞得中学(Hillside...