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"air force" respectively. 专业技术军官 specialized technical officers 中将 lieutenant general 少将 major general 大校 senior colonel 上校 colonel 中校 lieutenant colonel 少校 major 上尉 captain 中尉 lieutenant 少尉 second lieutenant *在军衔前冠以"专业技术". ...
美国的F -117A 型战斗机机身表面就包覆了红外与雷达波隐身材料,这种隐身材料含有多种超微粒子特别是纳米粒子, 对不同波段的电磁波有强烈的吸收能力, 可以有效降低雷达的探测能力。 美国的F117隐形战机(图片来源:
空气动力学 人类要提速,第一道要越过的屏障是空气阻力(air resistance)。空气阻力大大限制了人类交通工具的速度,日常民用的交通工具,本质上都是在跟空气做斗争。 空气阻力 对地面交通工具来说,要克服的阻力有两个,分别是地面的摩擦力(friction forc...
The story focuses on five characters who form the nucleus of a Coastguard Rescue team. They face diverse emergencies in the air and at sea that force them into joint problem-solving and reveal their different personalities. 这个故事聚焦于海岸警卫救援...
air force - n. amilitary军队organization using airplanes airplane - n. a vehicle with wings that flies airport - n. a place where airplanes take off and land album唱片集- n. a collection of recorded music alcohol酒精- n. a strong, colorless liquid, usually made fromgrain谷类, used as a...
First, a breathing exercise. I want you to take a deep belly-breath through your nose for five seconds hold it for a second, then push all the air out through your nose, slowly, counting to five. Repeat a few times and you'll...
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s Iran business. Meng pleaded not guilty to charges of fraud andconspiracy⑧. The charges would be dropped in December 2022 under the deal, which would leave her with no criminal record. An Air China flight carrying Men...
“go down quick into hell”, there is an inventive force about the fire taking hold on the upturned soles of the feet, which proves that the design is no mere translation of Dante’s words, but a true painter’s vision; while the scene of the Cen...