您可以通过导入 CPA 文件或将 CPA 条目与B2B Gateway配置相关联,为 ebMS 事务定义 ebXML 配置。ebXML 配置仅适用于 ebMS2 消息。 CPA 文件是一种 XML 文档,用于枚举两个合作伙伴使用 ebMS 协议来协作和交换 B2B 文档所需的有效、可见和可强制执行的交互。 该文件包含通信协议、可靠消息传递过程信息、请求和响应...
Focuses on the ebXML electronic business mark-up language approved by the United Nations' Cefac body and Oasis, a nonprofit consortium that promotes open and collaborative development of interoperability bet...
Focuses on the electronic business version of XML, the computer language likely to become the universal method of presenting data on the Internet. Automotive Industry Action Group's focus on XML; Architectu...