The electron beam welding (EBW) and laser beam welding (LBW) processes are high-energy density welding processes that offer several possible advantages, including low welding heat input, high weld depth-to-width ratio, narrow heat-affected zone (HAZ), and reduced distortion. To impinge on...
Electron Beam Welding may be used for joining any metals including metals, which are hardly weldable by other welding methods: refractory metals (tungsten, molybdenum, niobium) and chemically active metals (titanium, zirconium, beryllium). Electron Beam Welding is also able to join dissimilar metals...
英文缩写 EBW 英文全称electron beam welding 中文解释电子束焊 缩写分类工业工程, ECEF地固地心直角坐标系 ECP工程更改建议 EDM电子测距 EFIS电子飞行仪器系统 EM电磁 EMCON发射控制 EPE估计位置误差 ESGN电子陀螺导航仪 ETA估计到达时间 ETE估计在途时间(已当前速度计算) ...
Many medical devices are preferably electron beam welded because of the precise nature of the process and the autogenous welding. This ensures that
EBW缩写是电子束焊的意思,EBW全写electron beam welding。 EBW缩写可能还有其它意思,请根据自身行业、属性核对选择EBW正确的英文缩写及全写。参考资料: 1.百度翻译:电子束焊 2.有道翻译:电子束焊获赞11次 声明:内容版权归作者所有,未经授权不得任意转载 本文标题和链接: EBW-电子束焊的英文缩写-单词electron...
deep section welds in large diaphragms to shallow welds that enable intricate, 3-dimensional nozzle designs. The flexibility of the electron beam process allows welding with or without filler material. If filler is not used, the basic material properties, like corrosion and wear resistance, do not...
EBW 英文缩写EBW 英文全称electron beam welding 中文解释电子束焊EBW意思,EBW的意思,EBW是什么意思?爱站小工具网缩写频道为您提供有关于EBW的解释和缩写,电子束焊的英文缩写是什么热门英文缩写词 IME(以我经验而言...) IMEO(就我专家的角度来看...) IMNSHO(就我不太谦虚的说...) IO3(碘酸盐) KI(碘...
电子束焊接(Electron Beam Welding): 定义:电子束焊接是利用电子枪所产生的电子在阴阳极间的高电场作用下被加速到很高速度,撞击工件使动能转化为热能而使工件熔化的一种焊接方法。 原理:通过电子枪产生高速电子束,这些电子束在撞击工件时释放出大量热能,使工件局部熔化从而实现焊接。 应用场景:电子束焊接具有高精度、...
This study was focused on welding joints of reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) CLF-1 steel medium-to-thick plates produced via laser beam welding (LBW) and electron beam welding (EBW). Such joints were used in the ITER project, in particular, in the back plate mockup of Helium...
大抽速的真空抽气系统是大型电子束焊接设备(electron beam welding,EBW)中必不可少的组成部分。本文介绍了一个大型电子束焊设备中真空抽气系统的组成及其设计思路、方法,并对此真空抽气系统所能得到的本底真空度、工况真空度以及各阶段的抽气时间进行了详细的计算。为大型真空设备的研制提供一个有益的思路和便捷的...