近日,隆基受邀出席印尼EBTKE活动(The 11th INDONESIA EBTKE ConEx),该活动得到印尼能源和矿产资源部的支持,由印度尼西亚可再生能源协会(IRES/METI)发起。会议重点讨论了可再生能源行业和法规之间的瓶颈,吸引了来自世界各地的能源企业参会,并展示了来自印度尼西亚和全球的所有可再生能源公司的最新成果。精彩亮相彰...
The 11th Indonesia EBTKE ConEx 2023Date: 12-14 Juli 2023Time: 9 am - 5 pm (GMT+7)Venue: Nusantara Hall, ICE BSD City - TangerangThis event consist of Exhibition, Business Gathering, Conference and many more interested program.Mark Your Calendar and stay up to date!
此外,PGE还拥有1,205兆瓦,根据联合运营合同(JOC)运行。 在其官方网站上,PGE的股份由PT Pertamina(Persero)持有706,204股(91.09%)和PT Pertamina Pedeve Indonesia拥有69,052股(8.91%)。 地热保温 另一方面,也有关于成立国有地热控股公司的传闻。在此控股中,有传言称PGE是控股公司,由PT Geo Dipa Energy和拥有地热...
OTEC is a method for generating electricity which uses the temperature difference that exist between deep and shallow water with the minimal difference about 20掳C. This paper aim to determine the potential and the provision of new and renewable energy in Indonesia.OTEC is very compatible build ...