7.3.5. AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) 对象定义 | Red Hat Documentation
{"cluster":"mycluster","taskDefinition":"mytaskdef","serviceName":"mysvc","desiredCount":2,"volumeConfigurations": [{"name":"myEbsVolume","managedEBSVolume":{"roleArn":"arn:aws:iam:1111222333:role/ecsInfrastructureRole","snapshotId":"snap-12345"} } ] } ...
7.2.4. AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) 对象定义 | Red Hat Documentation
Sie können Amazon EBS-Volumes nicht für das Anhängen an Amazon ECS-Aufgaben konfigurieren, die auf AWS Outposts ausgeführt werden. Nächstes Thema:Verschieben Sie die Volume-Konfiguration in einer Aufgabendefinition auf die Startzeit Vorheriges Thema:Speicheroptionen für Aufgaben Brauchen Si...
{"enabled":true,},}}# update the EBS CSI driver add-on$ aws eks update-addon --cluster-name tf-git-eks-demo-ipv4 --addon-name aws-ebs-csi-driver --addon-version v1.19.0-eksbuild.2 --configuration-values'file://aws-ebs-csi-addon-config.json'{"update":{…"statu...
[1] Apache Kafka Compatibility's definition is coming from thisblog. [2] EBS Durability: On Azure, GCP, and Alibaba Cloud, Regional EBS replicas span multiple AZs. On AWS, ensure durability by double writing to EBS and S3 Express One Zone in different AZs. ...
snapshots in a simple, automated way based onresource tagsfor EBS volumes orAmazon EC2 instances. This reduces the operational complexity of managing EBS snapshots, thereby saving time and money. Also, let’s not forget the best part: Amazon DLM is free to use and is available in all ...
本文使用的恢复方式基于 TiDB Operator 的 Custom Resource Definition(CRD),底层使用 BR 进行数据恢复。BR 全称为 Backup & Restore,是 TiDB 分布式备份恢复的命令行工具,用于对 TiDB 集群进行数据备份和恢复。基于 AWS EBS 快照的备份包含两部分数据,TiDB 集群数据卷的快照,以及快照和集群相关的备份元信息。
记录AWS使用产生的EBS费用 其实很简单,我用了2次,2个小时,这个是我知道的,但是有一个快照(EBS)的收费有点意料之外,幸好发现得早,赶紧关闭,但又发现删除不了,原来要先取消注册才可以删除快照。详细看后面。 就是这个Elastic block store弹性块存储,因为之前随便玩的时候弄的,有一个实例的快照产生,然后就产生了费...
Operator adds custom resource limit to the AWS EKS worker nodes, calculated from node type and some AWS imposed limits. At the time of writing there is a configuration mismatch between Kubernetes EBS CSI and AWS EC2 instanced imposed limitations, which in some cases leads to pods with ebs vol...