In such a way, the Spanish Institute for Industrial Technology Development (CDTI) supported the development of a liner tray system for the assisted design and construction of detached houses with low energy consumption and low cost, based on components of extruded aluminum that are easy to carry...
Paper Picture Writing Code GitHub 上开源的 LaTeX 画图代码库。里面包含了几种 AI 论文中常用的画图代码,如折线图、柱状图、散点图、注意力可视化以及结构图等。 PaddleHub 百度在 GitHub 上开源的一款预训练模型工具包:PaddleHub,涵盖了大模型、CV、NLP、Audio、Video、工业应用等 400+ 预训练模型,代码全部开源...
EBSR12forWIN的安装指南 Oracle E-Business Suite R12 on WIN 的安装 xp Install Microsoft Loopback adapter and define an IP address ( more information on how to do this, please refer to "How to install the Microsoft Loopback adapter in Windows XP":