AWS EBS CSI Driver VersionImage master branchamazon/aws-ebs-csi-driver:latest v0.4.0amazon/aws-ebs-csi-driver:v0.4.0 v0.3.0amazon/aws-ebs-csi-driver:v0.3.0 v0.2.0amazon/aws-ebs-csi-driver:0.2.0 v0.1.0amazon/aws-ebs-csi-driver:0.1.0-alpha ...
首先,确保已经安装了eksctl工具。 使用以下命令创建一个IAM服务账户,该账户将用于EBS CSI驱动的运行: eksctl create iamserviceaccount \n --cluster my-cluster \n --name ebs-csi-controller-sa \n --namespace kube-system \n --attach-policy-arn arn:aws:iam::921283538843:policy/Amazon_EBS_CSI_Dri...
csi-snapshotter: v6.2.1 livenessprobe: v2.9.0 csi-resizer: v1.7.0 node-driver-registrar: v2.7.0 Improvements Bump CI k8s version to 1.26.1 (and other CI tools upgrades) (#1487, @ConnorJC3) Bump GitHub Actions workflows (#1491, @ConnorJC3) Upgrade golangci-lint (#1505, @torredil...
也可能是任何被授权在 Namespace 中创建 pod 或 Deploy,然后使用该权限检索该 Namespace 中所有 Secret...
AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicyAWS 托管7 eks-pre2 eks-pre2里的权限策略: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "Statement1", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:AttachVolume", "ec2:CreateSnapshot", "ec2:CreateTags", ...
kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: csi-sc provisioner: volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer YAML The CSI driver supports all the storage class parameters supported by the current in-tree EBS volume driver. The parameters include type,
AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicyPDF Description : Politique IAM qui permet au compte du service de chauffeur CSI de passer des appels vers des services connexes, par exemple en votre EC2 nom. AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicyest une politique AWS gérée.
将以下内容复制到名为aws-ebs-csi-driver-trust-policy.json的文件中。请将111122223333替换为您的账户 ID。将EXAMPLED539D4633E53DE1B71EXAMPLE和region-code替换为上一步中返回的值。 {"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement": [{"Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"Federated":"arn:aws:iam::111122223333:oidc...
NAME DRIVER DELETIONPOLICY AGE csi-aws-vsc Delete 4d23h 在本次示例中,我们将使用如下的 Pod 定义通过输出 date 的方式来记录时间戳信息到 /data/out.txt : apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: app-restore spec: containers: ...
aws iam create-policy\--regioneu-west-1\--policy-name Amazon_EBS_CSI_Driver\--policy-document file://ebs-cni-policy.json 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2.配置 IAM 角色和 SA 匹配 我们后面创建的 podebs-csi-controller默认的 serviceAccount 就是ebs-csi-controller-sa,因为需要这个 CSI 来...