W. et al. Deep sequencing of RNA from blood and oral swab samples reveals the presence of nucleic acid from a number of pathogens in patients with acute Ebola virus disease and is consistent with bacterial translocation across the gut. mSphere 2, e00325–17 (2017). Article CAS PubMed Pub...
Is ebola a viral disease? Is ebola a bacterial or viral infection? Is Ebola an epidemic or pandemic? Is Ebola a DNA virus? Is influenza a non-communicable disease? Can Ebola become a pandemic? Is Ebola an RNA virus? Does Ebola have a vaccine?
Is ebola a bacterial or viral infection? Is Ebola an RNA virus? Why does an acute inflammation result in haemorrhage in patients infected with ebola? Why is rabies so deadly? Is Ebola a retrovirus? Why is malaria a communicable disease?
W. et al. Deep sequencing of RNA from blood and oral swab samples reveals the presence of nucleic acid from a number of pathogens in patients with acute Ebola virus disease and is consistent with bacterial translocation across the gut. mSphere 2, e00325–17 (2017). Article CAS PubMed Pub...
The differential diagnosis included a viral or bacterial infection of unknown origin, dengue fever, rickettsial disease, hantavirus infection, leptospirosis, typhoid fever, and malaria. A form of hemorrhagic fever (Lassa fever or Ebola) was considered as unlikely. She was treated with ciprofloxacin ...
(in the absence of bleeding or organ manifestations) and frequently require handling and testing of potentially dangerous biological specimens. In addition, histopathologic features are not pathognomonic, and they can resemble other viral, rickettsial, and bacterial (e.g., leptospirosis) infections...
Dr. Bhargava: The clinical impression -- what doctors see in their offices -- also makes a difference in whether a patient is likely to have a bacterial vs a viral infection. Dr. Frieden: It's also important that doctors be engaged with their local health departments. The health department...
As needed, anti-emetics, anti-diarrheal agents, antipyretics, pain medications and/or vasopressors, Other: Some advocated for concurrent broad-spectrum antibiotics due to concern for bacterial gut transmigration. If diagnostics are unavailable, consider empiric antimalarial therapy, as co-infections are...
While acute kidney injury can often be explained by under-resuscitated hypovolemia, it might also arise from viral or secondary bacterial sepsis, acute tubular necrosis, myoglobinuria, and microvascular renal thrombi associated with sepsis or disseminated intravascular coagulation [29,30]. Adrenal gland...
Is ebola a bacterial or viral infection? What is the difference between the flu and coronavirus? What happens during a flu pandemic? Did anyone survive the Spanish flu? Why doesn't everyone get the flu during an epidemic? How many Canadians died from the Spanish flu?