3D打印技术主要有选择性激光熔化成型技术(selective lasermelting,SLM)、激光近净成型技术(laser engineered net shaping,LENS)和电子束熔化成型技术(electron beam melting,EBM)。其中,EBM成型相较于其他两种成型技术有很多优势:(1)EBM成型采用电子束为能量源,制造过程中无反射,能量...
Concept Laser激光打印机 Concept Laser Mlab R Concept Laser M2 Series 5 Concept Laser X Line 2000R CREST超声波清洗设备 台式超声波清洗机 水剂精密清洗系统 溶剂清洗系统 兆声波清洗 公司简介 培训与维护 联系方式 联系人:程先生 电话:010-82326786 手机:13801280122 网址: www.arcamchina.com E-mail:...
The laser systems, which are cooled by highly specialized air handling units from OCRAM CLIMA, play a decisive role here. The air handling units are equipped with 28 FanGrid units from ebm-papst.» The formula for the air flow in electronic cooling applications The ...
Direct Additive Manufacturing Techniques for Metal Parts: SLM, EBM, Laser Metal DepositionWei Xu
UK:Britain has successfully tested its Laser Directed Energy Weapon (LDEW), Dragonfire, firing at aerial targets for the first time. The trial, conducted at the Ministry of Defence’s Hebrides Range, aimed to showcase the weapon’s power and accuracy. ...
This work was conducted by Ying Wang and Xiaohua Liao when they were postgraduate students under the direction of Professor Ying Gu and Professor Rong Chen, and colleagues in the Department of Laser Medicine at the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital. Currently, Ying Wang is a phy...
SLM(Selective Laser Melting)技术: SLM即选区激光熔化成型技术,是目前金属3D打印成型中最普遍的技术,采用精细聚焦光斑快速熔化预置金属粉末,直接获得任意形状以及具有完全冶金结合的零件,得到的制作致密度可达99%以上。 激光传输 激光发射 激光扫描熔化 金属粉末熔化过程 取出制件 去除支撑 后处理 SLS(Selective Laser Sin...
【3D打印原理】LMD(Laser Melting Deposition)金属3D打印原理 7075 1 01:43 App 【3D打印原理】激光金属熔融(LMD)3D打印技术原理 9845 7 01:27 App 【3D打印原理】直接能量沉积(DED)3D打印技术原理-BeAM 4869 1 03:42 App 多射流熔融3D打印(MJF)技术原理 1679 0 01:23 App 【3D打印】布加迪Chiron 3D打印...
美国DYNAPAR计数器 ¥ 409.00 德国WHELEN通话装置 ¥ 599.00 GRACO泵 GRACO泵 ¥ 1009.00 日本AZBIL漏水检测带 ¥ 309.00 德国TANDLER减速机 ¥ 1009.00 美国HAROWE转炉倾角仪 ¥ 309.00 美国SCHAEVITZ传感器 ¥ 309.00 GEO-LASER激光测距仪 ¥ 409.00 ...