贝赛思学校(BASIS Schools)是源自美国的一所享有盛誉的教育品牌,以其创新的STEM-Focused Liberal Arts Program of Study教育理念而闻名。 学校不仅重视科学、技术、工程和数学等STEM领域的深入教学,同时也强调广泛的文科教育,以培养学生的批判性思维、解决问...
KET A2 Key / A2 Key for Schools(KET),剑桥英语证书系列中的第一个级别,对应于欧洲语言共同参考框架(CEFR)中的A2水平,是为具备初级水平的英语学习者设计的考试。 PET B1 Preliminary / B1 Preliminary for Schools(PET),剑桥英语...
Movers and Shapers: EBF Is to Follow the Fortunes of Four New Businesses Recently Created by Alumni of European Management SchoolsEuropean start-up companies continue to flourish as the "new" economy and industry restructuring presents a range of new opportunities for would-be entrepreneurs. But ...
Online Growth Pangs: In the Winter 2000 Edition of EBF We Introduced Four Companies Newly Created by Alumni of the Community of European Management Schools (CEMS). Three Months Later (Spring 2001) Growth Pains Were Evident but All Four Remained Optimistic about the Future. Here Are Their Latest...
VRFEBF721 Vandal-Resistant WideArea™ Eye/Face Wash, Barrier-Free, Wall Mounted Categories: Laboratory Safety, Vandal-Resistant Units Application: WideArea™ eye/face wash with vandal-resistant construction. Ideal for use in schools and other areas where equipment may be subject to abuse. ...
Complete First for Schools Student's Book without Answers with CD with Testbank Complete First provides thorough preparation for the revised 2015 Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam. It provides comprehensive language development integ... G Brookhart,WH Tiliouine - 《Cambridge University Pres》 被引...
Teachers' Interpretations of the Ethical Dimensions of Teaching on the Chinese Mainland: A Case Study of Two Secondary Schools in Shanghai. L Wang,M Lai,LNK Lo-《中国教育学前沿》 被引量:0发表:2016 Power and Moral Education in China: Three Examples of School-Based Curriculum Development.Wangbe...
.Some schools that are not year-round often have summer programs. In many cases students take summer classes to repeat a subject they failed. This way they get a second chance to succeed. But schools also offer summer classes to students wh
WLSA上海学校(WLSA Shanghai Academy) 是世界名中学联盟 (World Leading Schools Association, WLSA) 于2012年9月在上海开设的国际高中课程项目。WLSA课程的研发及实施,获得了以中国北京四中、复旦附中,美国格罗顿中学、哈佛西湖中学,英国伊顿公...
CIS (Council of International Schools) 是目前在国际上对国际学校认证最具影响力的认证机构之一,是高认证含金量的标志,也是国际化教育中专业表现和持续性潜力的标志。 Cognia 认证能够支持毕业生畅通无阻地申请除中国大陆外的全球绝大多数国家和地区的大学。