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Now they spoke quietly among themselves of the atrocities they had witnessed, or hoped to witness soon. Listening to them, I felt we could all sleep a little sounder from now on. If the movie industry had more hard-nosed, tell-it-like-it-is artists like Ken Russell, Loudon might never ... genius is not in how much Stanley Kubrick does in "2001: A Space Odyssey," but in how little. This is the work of an artist so sublimely confident that he doesn't include a single shot simply to keep our at... live in an age of brutal manners, when people crudely say exactly what they mean, comedy is based on insult, tributes are roasts, and loud public obscenity passes without notice. Martin Scorsese's film "The Age of Innocence," ...
No Bad Movie"No good movie is too long and no bad movie is short enough." -Roger EbertBox Office Tuesday Releases Theatrical New Trailerstoggle child menu+ Reviewstoggle child menu+ Physical Mediatoggle child menu+ Streaming Oscarstoggle child menu+ Spirit Awards Spotlight Talent TV ...
“Making Love” is limited primarily to the characters’ sexual identities. There would be no movie if the husband were not homosexual; this film has nothing else to be about. Its characters, as written, aren’t open to the surprises of real life, because the movie is single-mindedly ...
Meanwhile, we’re getting a lot of footage of snakes and alligators. It’s not that the characters in the movie fight off snakes and alligators, of course: It’s that they look off screen and say things like, “Look! Snakes!” Or sometimes, “Look! Alligators!” Then we see snakes ...
这篇影评可能有剧透“Raging Bull” is not a film about boxing but about a man with paralyzing jealousy and sexual insecurity, for whom being punished in the ring serves as confession, penance and absolution. It is ...
its flair for bittersweet melodrama and its star turns for the actors. Maybe the best thing about this movie is the way it combines those two different kinds of filmmaking. This is a movie with bold emotional scenes and big laughs, and at the same time it’s so firmly in control of it...
he splits. The movie never really bothers itself with why he behaves this way, unless we’re supposed to supply our own instant Freudian analysis. Caan is awkward all through this movie (he never seems happy playing this part), but he’s never more lost than when he undergoes this dramat...